
vcardKyle Kubacki

Senior Oorsprong spanleier
4030 West Boy Scout Blvd
Suite 500
Tampa FL 33607

Mr. Kubacki’s role at Benchmark International as an Origination Team Lead is crucial to the overall process of M&A. He manages a team of six qualified individuals who are responsible for reaching out to prospective clients that are looking for an exit strategy or partnership for themselves or their company. The main goal of the team is to decide if their specific situation is something that Benchmark International can assist with and provide insight into the current M&A market. He then facilitates the logistics of the initial meeting between the principals of the company looking at their M&A options and Benchmark International’s seasoned directors.


Florida State University - BS, Sports Management & International Affairs


As a Deal Origination Team Lead at Benchmark International, Kyle helps to provide potential clients with specialized advice for their unique situations with regard to the M&A process. He enjoys contributing to a company that is comprised of international Sales Specialists that help find special acquirers to deliver maximum value, full/partial exit structures, company grooming and valuation services for our clients. He finds success in knowing that he is capable of providing insight and valuable information to business owners and principals that are exploring M&A opportunities for their company.


Decision Making, Leadership, Adaptability, Communication, Dependable, Problem Solving, Time Management, Mentoring, Strategic Planning, Business Development


Mr. Kubacki strongly believes that the value of the work that Benchmark International does provides a highly beneficial service to our clients. Being able to help find solutions and quality partnerships””the kind that the majority of M&A firms of similar size are unable to achieve””is due to our proven process and strong relationships with a variety of firms. He is deeply motivated to work with one of the top middle-market M&A firms in the world and contribute to the numerous testimonials we have received from completed transactions since our inception.



Kyle was baie behulpsaam om 'n een-tot-een-vergadering met 'n verteenwoordiger van Benchmark International en my uitvoerende span te fasiliteer. Hy het bo en behalwe gegaan om seker te maak ek is baie gemaklik met hul proses en verseker dat vertroulikheid deurgaans gehandhaaf word. Hy was in staat om al die items wat van my aangevra is voor die vergadering voor te berei en was baie kundig en in staat om elke vraag wat ek tydens die vergadering gestuur het, te beantwoord. Oor die algemeen was die professionaliteit wat aan die dag gelê is uitsonderlik. *
Douglas Birkner
Affordable RV Repair LLC
* translated