
vcardAndre Bresler

Besturende vennoot
Airport Office Park, Freight Rd.
Ground Floor, Runway 01
International Airport
Cape Town 7525

Andre Bresler formally trained and was initially employed as a mechanical engineer at AECI. His entrepreneurial career began when he subsequently ventured into starting, buying, and selling several engineering-related companies over a 15-year period. After exiting his last engineering business in 2007, he focused on business rescue and M&A, where he can share his personal experiences and advice as a business owner exiting, as an acquirer, and as a director with the Turnaround Management Association of South Africa.

Using his frontline experience in raising finance, angel investing and brokering M&A transactions, he authored and presented numerous papers on technical topics, product commercialisation, innovation and business sales in South Africa, the UK, Spain and Australia.


As a Managing Partner of Benchmark International's South African offices, Andre finds the success and growth of his team truly rewarding. Andre and his team have worked on an array of companies across multiple industries. They have been very active internationally and have sold one in every three of their client's companies to overseas buyers.




The University of the Witwatersrand - BSc, Mechanical Engineering

Wits Business School - Management Advanced Programme


As an entrepreneur, turnaround specialist and seasoned M&A professional, Andre brings to the transaction table a very broad generalist knowledge of multiple industry sectors and a keen understanding of business opportunities and acquisitions that will benefit all parties. Furthermore, having built strong relationships with corporate acquirers, private equity and family offices, Andre has gained insights into the strategies of some of the most successful organisations and individuals, both locally and internationally. 

The Benchmark International process is unique in its ability to transition options into choices; the journey to a sale is a dynamic one where the multitude of options can paralyse choice and it is only by engaging different buyers - each with their own synergies and strategic motives - that choices are crystallised. Andre explores the options that empowers clients to find the choice that is right for them, their families, their staff and their businesses. 


For ten long years, Andre watched as a family member struggled to sell a lucrative engineering concern. It seemed astonishing to him that the true value of that business could not be unlocked through traditional methods. Extensive research and a healthy curiosity led him to identify a process powerful enough to deliver maximum value for both buyer and seller. His journey led him to Benchmark International, a company built by entrepreneurs, servicing a market of entrepreneurs.  Having discovered his excitement lay more in disposing of companies than running them, M&A became an obvious career choice.



Andre (ons transaksieleier) was by ons deur die hele onderhandelinge en die finale transaksiefase, en het die regte mense aan die regskant geken, sodat ons by die kontrakstadium kon uitkom. En ons het daarin geslaag om vertroulikheid tot die einde toe te handhaaf. Dit was vir ons baie belangrik, want ons wou nie enige jitters onder ons kliënte skep nie. Ons het gevoel ons het beheer oor die hele proses en dit het ons vertroue gegee. *
Derrick Mulligan
Phambili Interface
* translated
Die projek is baie goed bestuur. Dit was baie stresvol, en daar is baie meer werk daaraan verbonde as wat ons gedink het. Andre [Bresler] was heelpad by ons. Ek sal jou vir enige iemand aanbeveel, ek sal beslis dieselfde roete gaan as ek weer 'n besigheid kom verkoop. *
Lee Hodgins
* translated
Andre (ons transaksieleier) was by ons deur die hele onderhandelinge en die finale transaksiefase, en het die regte mense aan die regskant geken, sodat ons by die kontrakstadium kon uitkom. En ons het daarin geslaag om vertroulikheid tot die einde toe te handhaaf. Dit was vir ons baie belangrik, want ons wou nie enige jitters onder ons kliënte skep nie. Ons het gevoel ons het beheer oor die hele proses en dit het ons vertroue gegee. *
Derrick Mulligan
Phambili Interface
* translated
Die projek is baie goed bestuur. Dit was baie stresvol, en daar is baie meer werk daaraan verbonde as wat ons gedink het. Andre [Bresler] was heelpad by ons. Ek sal jou vir enige iemand aanbeveel, ek sal beslis dieselfde roete gaan as ek weer 'n besigheid kom verkoop. *
Lee Hodgins
* translated