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University of Phoenix - MS, Administration & Organizational Management
University of Phoenix - BS, Administration & Organizational Management
Brigham Young University - BS, Education
John has been involved in strategical development, sales, marketing and training for more than 27 years and has worked with many well known companies, including Disney, T-Mobile, Dish Network, Rewards Network, New Horizon Computer Learning Centers, Packard Bell Computers, USAA, Euphoria Water, and Enterprise Rent-A-Car. He has held executive leadership roles at each of these companies.
He has also been an owner and seller of multiple businesses. He started at a young age by running a landscaping company, and he then served a two-year mission for his church. While in college, he started a video production company featuring weddings, model portfolios, commercials and pageants. After college, he sold that business and went into real estate and network marketing. In the late 1990s, he built a training business called Flight Workshops and did sales and management training in Las Vegas, working with keynote speaker Stephen Covey.
Additionally, John owned a 500-unit storage facility in San Antonio, which he sold and then started an international frozen yogurt franchise, which had a proprietary yogurt blend and 37 locations before selling the company.
As someone who loves entrepreneurship and enjoys hearing life stories and helping people work towards their life goals, the role of M&A Director is a perfect fit for John. He has a passion for relating to the experiences of those who have worked hard, sacrificed, and are ready for a new adventure in their lives.