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Benchmark International verteenwoordig sake-eienaars wat hoogs gemotiveerd is en die volgende logiese stap met hul besighede wil neem, waaraan hulle oor baie jare 'n aansienlike hoeveelheid tyd en moeite gewy het. Of hulle poog om hul besigheid na die volgende vlak te neem, om te verlaat, of net om 'n manier te vind om hul persoonlike rykdom te diversifiseer, entrepreneurs van regoor die wêreld het staatgemaak op Benchmark International se groot span ervare professionele persone en gemotiveerde kopernetwerke om hul doelwit te bereik

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Keuring van transaksies

Bekyk sukses
123 Autoteile GmbH & Co. KG Acquired by Private InvestorVerkry deurPrivate Investor
123 Autoteile GmbH & Co. KG
Private Investor
Bormann & Gordon Unternehmensberatung GmbH Acquired by mac Holdings GmbHVerkry deurBormann & Gordon Unternehmensberatung GmbH Acquired by mac Holdings GmbH (management consult)
Bormann & Gordon Unternehmensberatung GmbH
mac Holdings GmbH (management consult)
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
Christian Network InternationalVerkry deurSymbia Logistics
Christian Network International
Symbia Logistics
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Arrow Sign Company, IncVerkry deurFusion Sign and Design
Arrow Sign Company, Inc
Fusion Sign and Design
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
acquisition of Quality Food Products by Foresight Group LLP.Verkry deuracquisition of Quality Food Products by Foresight Group LLP.
Quality Food Products (Aberdeen) Limited
Foresight Group LLP
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Copernus acquired by SuempolVerkry deurCopernus acquired by Suempol
Copernus Limited
Suempol Sp.z o.o
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
International Restaurant Distributors, Inc.Verkry deurHart & Price Corporation
International Restaurant Distributors, Inc.
Hart & Price Corporation
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Garlanna acquired by Card FactoryVerkry deurCard Factory acquired Garlanna
Garlanna Limited
Card Factory PLC
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
OEGE acquired by The Platform GroupVerkry deurThe Platform Group acquired OEGE
OEGE-Trading GmbH & Co. KG
The Platform Group AG
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Old Mill Confectionery acquired by Dessert FirstVerkry deurDessert First acquired Old Mill
Old Mill Confectionery (Sales) Limited
MFC Foods Limited ta Dessert First
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Tygra Industries, LLCVerkry deurFugue Capital
Tygra Industries, LLC
Fugue Capital
313 Sales Group, LLCVerkry deurGladhaven Capital
313 Sales Group, LLC
Gladhaven Capital
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Latrobe Foundry Machine & Supply CoVerkry deurGenesys Industries
Latrobe Foundry Machine & Supply Co
Genesys Industries
QuadMed, Inc.Verkry deurBound Tree Medical, LLC
QuadMed, Inc.
Bound Tree Medical, LLC
Medizina acquired by SteinVerkry deurStein acquired Medizina
Medizina GmbH & Co. KG
Stein HGS Holding GmbH (a portfolio company of IK Partners)
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Plant Drives & SystemsVerkry deurAES, Inc.
Plant Drives & Systems
AES, Inc.
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
GloveIt, LLCVerkry deurRuscan Chem Inc.
GloveIt, LLC
Ruscan Chem Inc.
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Demetrius Of Forty Churches, LLC, DBA Ahlers MealsVerkry deurA Private Investor
Demetrius Of Forty Churches, LLC, DBA Ahlers Meals
A Private Investor
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Imagine Ireland acquired by Travel ChapterVerkry deurTravel Chapter acquires Imagine Ireland
Imagine Ireland Limited
The Travel Chapter Ltd
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
United Wholesale Supply, Inc.Verkry deurMBO
United Wholesale Supply, Inc.
Sleep die wyser

Bly op hoogte en teken aan vir e-poswaarskuwings oor verwante nuus

Ons het die afgelope 14 jaar 'n fantastiese besigheid in Arcus geskep en is gretig om geografies verder te ontwikkel en te diversifiseer, in verskillende marksektore en met nuwe kliënte. Deur by 'n markleier soos ERM aan te sluit, met so 'n sterk globale platform en markteenwoordigheid, sal hierdie aspirasies onmiddellik moontlik wees, terwyl ons verseker dat ons kliënte steeds toegang tot die allerbeste tegniese kundigheid het. Ons streef ook daarna om organisasies te help wat nog nie die potensiële hernubare energie na hul besighede kan bring ten volle besef nie, en het ambisieuse planne om dit te bereik deur ons unie met ERM, wat uiteindelik bydra tot die globale oorgang na 'n laer koolstofekonomie. *
Greg Shillabeer
Arcus Consultancy Services Limited
* translated
Ons het Benchmark betrek om te help met die verskaffing van professionele dienste in die verkoop van ons versekeringsverwante besigheid. Hulle span, en bowenal hul Deal Associate wat ons transaksie tot voltooiing hanteer het, het tydens moeilike onderhandelinge betrokke gebly. Die Deal Associate het JCS gehelp om die besigheidsverkope af te handel met 'n baie positiewe resultaat vir die eienaars. Puik werk Benchmark International! *
Allen G. Johnson
Johnson Claim Service, Inc.
* translated
“Ek en Barbara bedank julle almal vir julle pogings om by ons doelwit uit te kom.” *
Chuck Wunner
* translated
My prioriteit was om die maatskappy aan bekwame hande toe te vertrou. Danksy Benchmark International het ons dit suksesvol bereik, en ek sien uit daarna om met die nuwe eienaar saam te werk tydens hierdie volgende hoofstuk *
Thomas Roese
123 Autoteile GmbH & Co. KG
* translated
Benchmark International het 'n uitsonderlike werk gedoen om Kaleidico, LLC voor te berei om die markgeleenthede te ondersoek en ons dan uiteindelik deur 'n suksesvolle verkryging te lei. Ons waardeer veral die feit dat Benchmark International ons 'n breë en interessante blootstelling aan 'n verskeidenheid samesmeltings- en verkrygingsaansoekers gegee het. *
Bill Rice
Kaleidico, LLC
* translated
“Benchmark International het sy groot ervaring en kundigheid ten toon gestel om die sterk punte en sinergieë van twee bedryfsleiers bymekaar te bring. Die span by Benchmark het waarlik vyf sterre verdien vir hul hoë energie, skerp insig en leierskap om hierdie unie te fasiliteer. In vandag se komplekse mark is 'n soliede weldeurdagte strategie en uitvoering hoekom ek Benchmark se vermoë om te lewer, toevertrou en daarop geleun het.” *
Jeff Del Rossa
* translated
“Benchmark International se praktiese benadering tydens alle aspekte van die transaksieproses was fundamenteel in ons suksesvolle sluiting van transaksies.” *
Slav Stein
* translated
Benchmark International het regtig hul gewig getrek om hierdie transaksie te bewerkstellig. Ek was baie beïndruk deur elke spanlid se vasbyt om hierdie ooreenkoms oor die wenstreep te kry. Die belangrikste is dat die Benchmark-span altyd die tyd geneem het om na my bekommernisse en terugvoer te luister en was oop om aan hierdie ooreenkoms te werk met my beste belange in gedagte. Benchmark International het uiteindelik die perfekte vennoot gevind om die maatskappy se groei te eskaleer en DevelopScripts na die volgende vlak te neem. *
Mr. Rajaram
Developscripts LLC
* translated
Benchmark het die verkoopsproses betyds en naatloos gemaak. Ons het net 'n paar maande gelede na die mark gegaan en hulle het vinnig 'n uitstekende kulturele passing gevind wat my in staat sou stel om vinnig van die stuur af weg te tree terwyl ek deelneem aan toekomstige groei onder leiding van Apprio. *
Art Seypura
Canaide, Inc
* translated
Benchmark International se span was wonderlik om mee saam te werk. Van aan boord tot naby, was daar altyd iemand om mee te praat wat uiters kundig was en my beste belang in gedagte gehad het. Ek sal Benchmark International sterk aanbeveel vir enigiemand wat hul besigheid verkoop *
Grant Becker
Becker Wright Consultants Group, Inc
* translated


Nuus en Artikels

2024 Consumer Retail Spotlight: Global Pet Tech Industry Report

Explore the booming global pet tech industry, driven by pet owners' desire to humanize their furry companions with cutting-edge monitoring devices, GPS trackers, and innovative health solutions.

2024 Global Education And Government Industry Report

The global government education market was valued at $558.49 billion in 2023 and is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.8% between 2024          and 2030.

2024 Global Real Estate, Lodging & Leisure Industry Report

Discover the vibrant landscape of the global real estate market in 2024, boasting a robust growth trajectory with revenues surging from $4.02 trillion in 2023 to $4.31 trillion.

2024 Global Consumer, Food & Retail Industry Report

Explore the dynamic landscape of the global consumer food and retail industry in 2024, where the market boasts a staggering revenue of $10.07 trillion, projected to grow at a robust 6.53% annually through 2028.

2023 Global E-commerce Industry Report

By 2027, the e-commerce market forecasts a volume of $6.35 trillion by demonstrating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.51%.

2023 Global Appliance Industry Report

dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, kitchen stoves, and induction cookers. Values in this market are the value of goods sold by the manufacturers or creators of the goods or directly to end customers. Additionally, the value of goods in this sector includes related services sold by the products' creators. Historically, the market has been referred to as white goods because the products were made of white, enamel-coated materials. However, today, "white goods" are available in various colors.

Benchmark International Wins Two More Deal Of The Year Awards

Benchmark International is proud to have been honored with two new M&A Atlas Awards from the Global M&A Network:

M&A In Higher Education

Higher education institutions have been facing a watershed moment. Flagship universities and brand-name colleges are still drawing enrollees. But the number of colleges that have closed in the last decade (~200) has quadrupled over the previous decade. This is why mergers and acquisitions in higher education are becoming more commonplace than ever. In fact, in the last four years, there have been 95 college mergers—a 21% increase over the 78 that took place in the 18 years prior. Most of these mergers (40%) are being executed within private and nonprofit schools, and most deals involve schools in the same state with student bodies under 5,000. It is the less prestigious schools that are struggling the most. 

2022 Sector Report: Esports Valued At Over A Billion Dollars

eSports is a form of video-game-based competition that has seen significant revenue and viewership growth in recent years. Much of the revenue is coming from advertising dollars from brands, such as ads shown during live streams on online platforms, video-on-demand content of matches, or on eSports TV. And competitive gaming is becoming more mainstream than ever. 

Tracking The Pandemic Recovery Of Retail And Hospitality Sectors

The Retail IndustryNow that we seem to finally be closing in on the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2022 is likely to continue to see overall growth in the retail sector, but not without its share of challenges. Many industries are still not caught up with supply chain issues. 2021 brought new consumer demand surges while manufacturing capacities couldn’t keep pace. Nevertheless, the supply chain congestion has begun to wane and even normalized in some industries while others are still backed up. This is due to geographical circumstances, issues with unloading shipping containers in ports, and a shortage of truck drivers. Many experts believe that 2022 will be the year of the “retail reset,” while others do not think that an utterly standard supply chain will fully return this year. The pandemic has changed consumer demands as their daily routines change. For example, more people started working from home, which meant spending more on comfortable leisurewear and home technologies and less on business attire. And while the remote work economy is expected to continue, so is the online shopping boom. There is also a combination of less financial assistance and rising inflation that is hurting spending. For example, retail survived the worst of the pandemic because consumers were receiving help such as federal stimulus money and unemployment support. But that aid has been pulled back at the same time that inflation is up. This means less money for discretionary retail spending as consumers are unsure of what the future holds. With all of these changes, retailers are still unsure when making commitments. As a result, inventory remains a difficult path to navigate. Many companies are turning to new technology solutions to help them better manage inventory in real-time. As a result, physical stores may become smaller, offering fewer options and quantities.