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Benchmark, along with our legal team at Nelson Mullins and our accounting team at Weaver, just kept plugging away no matter what was going on outside the deal. The number of issues that needed to be addressed, negotiated, and implemented in a deal like this was apparently endless. The ways that we and DC Capital had to come together to address some unprecedented events precipitated by the pandemic and the creative solutions our team generated were absolutely amazing. My partners and I are so glad that we had the opportunity to work with this great team. I don’t know that this would have gotten done, even in regular times much less the first half of 2020, without them.
Dan Boggio
PBK Architects, Inc.
Verkry deur
Quotient, Inc.
Virtual Technologies Group
Technology, Media, Telecom, and Data
Verkry deur
SRM Group, Inc.
High Net Worth Individual
Business Services
Benchmark International het suksesvol die verkoop afgehandel van PBK Architects, Inc.Lees meer
We really appreciated the way Benchmark led us through this process. All the decisions were ours to make. They continuously provided the data, inputs, and experienced insights that set us up to make the best possible decisions throughout the relationship. They were patient with us when we wanted to move slowly and led the charge whenever we wanted to move ahead aggressively.
Chris Cunico
PBK Architects, Inc.
Verkry deur
Brookshire Learning Center
Early Bird Education Group
Education and Government
Verkry deur
JDI Ventures, Inc. DBA Peak Performance Solutions
The Brydon Group
Technology, Media, Telecom, and Data
Verkry deur
Arora Engineers, Inc.
Jacmel Growth Partners
Education and Government
Benchmark International het suksesvol die verkoop afgehandel van IodaLees meer
It’s really important to us all here at ioda that organisations develop their leaders with all the skills required to make a positive impact on the people they lead and the environments they lead in. This includes the digital and technical skills that Apprentify are renowned for. So being acquired by Apprentify Group is the perfect match for us and our clients, and one that the whole team at ioda are excited to be part of.
Lisa Reynolds
Benchmark International het suksesvol die verkoop afgehandel van Toomey Audio Visual LimitedLees meer
This acquisition marks a significant step in our journey to deliver holistic professional development opportunities. By integrating ioda’s leadership and coaching strengths with our digital and technical focus, we are primed to offer unrivalled growth paths for individuals and businesses alike.
Jonathan Fitchew
Apprentify Group
Benchmark International het suksesvol die verkoop afgehandel van Arc Technology LimitedLees meer
Joining Stacked allows us to continue providing excellent AV services while leveraging Stacked’s scale and solutions for our clients. We can think of no other company we could trust to continue the Toomey AV legacy which has been working in this sector for over 55 years.
Ivan Smyth
Toomey Audio Visual Limited
Benchmark International het suksesvol die verkoop afgehandel van Open Learning Group (Pty) LtdLees meer
We’re excited to welcome Toomey AV into the Stacked Group. Operating for over 55 years they have a wealth of knowledge and experience that few companies in their arena possess today. It helps us widen our service offering within the AV sector and will help support our continued investment in this space.
Paul Sweetman
Stacked Limited
Benchmark International het suksesvol die verkoop afgehandel van Flipfile LimitedLees meer
We're delighted to announce our first acquisition since raising additional funds in September 2023 to further our aim of becoming a serial acquirer of vertical market software businesses. ARC meets our acquisition criteria extremely well and adds to Software Circle's growing family of niche vertical market SaaS companies that generate revenues of a recurring nature. We welcome Nader and his team to the group and look forward to working with them to drive further growth in the years ahead.
Gavin Cockerill
Software Circle PLC
Benchmark International het suksesvol die verkoop afgehandel van AMTIS, IncLees meer