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Benchmark International verteenwoordig sake-eienaars wat hoogs gemotiveerd is en die volgende logiese stap met hul besighede wil neem, waaraan hulle oor baie jare 'n aansienlike hoeveelheid tyd en moeite gewy het. Of hulle poog om hul besigheid na die volgende vlak te neem, om te verlaat, of net om 'n manier te vind om hul persoonlike rykdom te diversifiseer, entrepreneurs van regoor die wêreld het staatgemaak op Benchmark International se groot span ervare professionele persone en gemotiveerde kopernetwerke om hul doelwit te bereik

Neem Die Eerste Stap


Keuring van transaksies

Bekyk sukses
Biomatrix Water Solutions Acquired by Ross-Shire Engineering LimitedVerkry deurBiomatrix Water Solutions Acquired by Ross-Shire Engineering Limited
Biomatrix Water Solutions Limited
Ross-Shire Engineering Limited
Omgewing en Herwinning
Winvalue Acquired by GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)Verkry deurWinvalue Gmbh Acquired by GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)
WinValue GmbH
GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)
Skillko Acquired by Health and Safety InstituteVerkry deurHSI acquires Skillko
Skillko Limited
Health and Safety Institute
Robotics & Drives Services Limited Acquired by Automated Industrial Robotics IncVerkry deurRobotics & Drives Services Acquired by Automated Industrial Robotics
Robotics & Drives Services Limited
Automated Industrial Robotics Inc
Campfire Group acquired by Literacy CapitalVerkry deurLiteracy Capital acquires Campfire Group
Campfire Group
Literacy Capital plc
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
NimbusPoint acquired by CapficiencyVerkry deurCapficiency acquires NimbusPoint
NimbusPoint Consulting Limited
Capficiency Private Equity Group
Feakle Gas and Plumbing acquired by Water IntelligenceVerkry deurWater Intelligence acquires Feakle Gas and Plumbing
Feakle Gas And Plumbing Limited
Water Intelligence plc
Energie, hulpbronne en nutsdienste
Z Consulting, LLCVerkry deurThe Bridge
Z Consulting, LLC
The Bridge
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
Xanalys acquired by Harris SoftwareVerkry deurHarris acquired Xanalys
Xanalys Ltd
Harris Software - Constellation
Bitco Telecoms (Pty) Ltd aquired by Link AfricaVerkry deurBitco Telecoms (Pty) Ltd aquired by Link Africa
Bitco Telecoms (Pty) Ltd
Link Africa (Pty) Ltd
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
Content Lab ta Content Curators aquired by TransperfectVerkry deurContent Lab ta Content Curators acquired by Transperfect
Content Lab ta Content Curators
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
The Romack GroupVerkry deurExcel Management Systems, Inc.
The Romack Group
Excel Management Systems, Inc.
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
Demetrius Of Forty Churches, LLC, DBA Ahlers MealsVerkry deurA Private Investor
Demetrius Of Forty Churches, LLC, DBA Ahlers Meals
A Private Investor
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Cornelsen acquired by Rivus CapitalVerkry deurRivus Capital acquires Cornelsen
Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH
Rivus Capital
Omgewing en Herwinning
Insight Vision CamerasVerkry deurThe Heico Companies
Insight Vision Cameras
The Heico Companies
RubLine Marketing, LLCVerkry deurcorePHP, LLC.
RubLine Marketing, LLC
corePHP, LLC
Besigheidsprodukte en -dienste
TOS (North East) acquired by National Business MachinesVerkry deurNBM acquired TOS
TOS (North East) Limited
National Business Machines Ltd
Trident Lifting acquired by StatomVerkry deurStatom Group acquires Trident
Trident Lifting Solutions Ltd
Statom Group Ltd
Dragon Fire Tools, LLCVerkry deurTraction Capital Partners
Dragon Fire Tools, LLC
Traction Capital Partners
Verbruiker, Voedsel en Kleinhandel
Mirage Computer Systems acquired by UnaricVerkry deurMirage Computer Systems acquired by Unaric
Mirage Computer Systems GmbH
Unaric Holding Limited
Sleep die wyser

Bly op hoogte en teken aan vir e-poswaarskuwings oor verwante nuus

Ons het die afgelope 14 jaar 'n fantastiese besigheid in Arcus geskep en is gretig om geografies verder te ontwikkel en te diversifiseer, in verskillende marksektore en met nuwe kliënte. Deur by 'n markleier soos ERM aan te sluit, met so 'n sterk globale platform en markteenwoordigheid, sal hierdie aspirasies onmiddellik moontlik wees, terwyl ons verseker dat ons kliënte steeds toegang tot die allerbeste tegniese kundigheid het. Ons streef ook daarna om organisasies te help wat nog nie die potensiële hernubare energie na hul besighede kan bring ten volle besef nie, en het ambisieuse planne om dit te bereik deur ons unie met ERM, wat uiteindelik bydra tot die globale oorgang na 'n laer koolstofekonomie. *
Greg Shillabeer
Arcus Consultancy Services Limited
* translated
Ons het Benchmark betrek om te help met die verskaffing van professionele dienste in die verkoop van ons versekeringsverwante besigheid. Hulle span, en bowenal hul Deal Associate wat ons transaksie tot voltooiing hanteer het, het tydens moeilike onderhandelinge betrokke gebly. Die Deal Associate het JCS gehelp om die besigheidsverkope af te handel met 'n baie positiewe resultaat vir die eienaars. Puik werk Benchmark International! *
Allen G. Johnson
Johnson Claim Service, Inc.
* translated
“Ek en Barbara bedank julle almal vir julle pogings om by ons doelwit uit te kom.” *
Chuck Wunner
* translated
My prioriteit was om die maatskappy aan bekwame hande toe te vertrou. Danksy Benchmark International het ons dit suksesvol bereik, en ek sien uit daarna om met die nuwe eienaar saam te werk tydens hierdie volgende hoofstuk *
Thomas Roese
123 Autoteile GmbH & Co. KG
* translated
Benchmark International het 'n uitsonderlike werk gedoen om Kaleidico, LLC voor te berei om die markgeleenthede te ondersoek en ons dan uiteindelik deur 'n suksesvolle verkryging te lei. Ons waardeer veral die feit dat Benchmark International ons 'n breë en interessante blootstelling aan 'n verskeidenheid samesmeltings- en verkrygingsaansoekers gegee het. *
Bill Rice
Kaleidico, LLC
* translated
“Benchmark International het sy groot ervaring en kundigheid ten toon gestel om die sterk punte en sinergieë van twee bedryfsleiers bymekaar te bring. Die span by Benchmark het waarlik vyf sterre verdien vir hul hoë energie, skerp insig en leierskap om hierdie unie te fasiliteer. In vandag se komplekse mark is 'n soliede weldeurdagte strategie en uitvoering hoekom ek Benchmark se vermoë om te lewer, toevertrou en daarop geleun het.” *
Jeff Del Rossa
* translated
“Benchmark International se praktiese benadering tydens alle aspekte van die transaksieproses was fundamenteel in ons suksesvolle sluiting van transaksies.” *
Slav Stein
* translated
Benchmark International het regtig hul gewig getrek om hierdie transaksie te bewerkstellig. Ek was baie beïndruk deur elke spanlid se vasbyt om hierdie ooreenkoms oor die wenstreep te kry. Die belangrikste is dat die Benchmark-span altyd die tyd geneem het om na my bekommernisse en terugvoer te luister en was oop om aan hierdie ooreenkoms te werk met my beste belange in gedagte. Benchmark International het uiteindelik die perfekte vennoot gevind om die maatskappy se groei te eskaleer en DevelopScripts na die volgende vlak te neem. *
Mr. Rajaram
Developscripts LLC
* translated
Benchmark het die verkoopsproses betyds en naatloos gemaak. Ons het net 'n paar maande gelede na die mark gegaan en hulle het vinnig 'n uitstekende kulturele passing gevind wat my in staat sou stel om vinnig van die stuur af weg te tree terwyl ek deelneem aan toekomstige groei onder leiding van Apprio. *
Art Seypura
Canaide, Inc
* translated
Benchmark International se span was wonderlik om mee saam te werk. Van aan boord tot naby, was daar altyd iemand om mee te praat wat uiters kundig was en my beste belang in gedagte gehad het. Ek sal Benchmark International sterk aanbeveel vir enigiemand wat hul besigheid verkoop *
Grant Becker
Becker Wright Consultants Group, Inc
* translated


Nuus en Artikels

The Best Kept Secrets of Business Growth

In today's economy, operating a successful business can be a tricky thing to do. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20% of businesses fail within the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first ten years. These statistics may seem intimidating or disheartening to some, but those who have overcome the narrative have learned that their business must possess certain key characteristics. While many successful businesses may share similar characteristics, they often appear quite different. No matter how a business may differentiate from its peers and competitors, there is one thing that every business must maintain to stay afloat: growth.

PUSHTech Client Testimonial

Benchmark International facilitated the transaction between PUSHTech and Cendyn. Watch as Gerry Haag and Carlos Moncho, former shareholders at PUSHTech, discuss why they opted to work with an M&A adviser, what Benchmark International brought to the table, and where PUSHTech is now with the assistance of an acquirer.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Z Consulting, LLC and The Bridge

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the transaction between Z Consulting, LLC and The Bridge.

Benchmark International Ranked #1 Sell-Side-Exclusive M&A Firm In The World By Pitchbook

Pitchbook has released their Q3 2022 global league tables, and Benchmark International remains an esteemed leader in the M&A world.

Applying EBITDA Multiples To Your Company Valuation

If you are considering selling your business, you undoubtedly need to understand its value. Unfortunately, arriving at that answer can entail many different methodologies, and it often involves the familiar valuation formula of applying a multiple of Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA). For example, if a company boasts EBITDA of $1 million, and a five times EBITDA multiple is applied, the company’s estimated value is $5 million. But how do we know what multiple applies to your business? And how do we know if the EBITDA number is even accurate? After all, EBITDA will not be the same for every business.

You Haven’t Missed Out On The Ideal Seller’s Market

2021 was a strong market for business owners looking to sell their companies. The market remains ideal and will do so as we move into the first quarter of 2022. As we are in the middle of this year, there is no better time to consider putting your business on the market.

What’s The Difference Between Recurring And Repeat Revenue?

If you are considering selling your business, you will need to have a clear understanding of its type of customer revenue because it can significantly impact the value of your business. Sometimes people confuse recurring revenue with repeat revenue, but it is essential to understand how they are not the same thing. Recurring RevenueRecurring revenue stems from a contractually bound legal agreement for a solution delivered over time. It is usually contractual over one or multiple years, and because it may carry penalties or fees if the customer leaves, it can be counted on into the future. This makes it highly valued by prospective acquirers because of its predictability and lower risk. However, recurring revenue does not have to be contractual to be valuable. Depending on the business and the services offered, it can be too costly or too much of a hassle for a customer to leave or switch providers. An excellent example of this is customer relationship marketing companies that collect large amounts of valued data over time, making it more beneficial for clients to stick with their services. Below is a list of the different types of recurring revenue.

The New Reality and What it Means for Valuation

Is the bull market for privately held companies over? No, that’s not (yet) the reality. But one of the hallmarks of the glorious decade for selling businesses is no more. And unfortunately, many of the acquirers’ gatekeepers weren’t around the last time there was a bull market that looked like this one.

2022 Is a Seller's Year for M&A

2021 Was a Record Year

2021 Was a Record Year For M&A - And 2022 Could be, Too

After the trials and tribulations of 2020, no one really knew what to expect going into 2021. Yet, for the world of M&A, it couldn’t have been a more pleasant surprise.