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Spring na verwante inhoudKoper soek aktief geleenthede in enige sektor
Teiken nywerhede:
- Vervaardiging en nywerheid
- IT & Telekommunikasie
- Aanlyn/e-handel en posbestelling
- Druk/Publisering, Advertensie & Media
- Kleinhandel
- Sal ook enige ander sektor oorweeg
- Verenigde Koninkryk, maar sal enige plek oorweeg
- Up to 50,000,000 (GBP)
- 500,000 - 10,000,000 (GBP)
They are interested in businesses in any sector or geography, as long as operational management come with the business. A history of generating cash flow over at least 3-10 years, with a strong, ideally dominant, market share in its sector, with long-term competitive advantage. Whilst they like businesses which have a natural growth rate, they will also purchase businesses which are suffering from slow growth, no growth or gentle decline.