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Wir vertreten Unternehmerínnen und Unternehmer, die bereit sind, ihre Unternehmen auf die nächste Ebene zu führen, einschließlich Wachstumsstrategien, Exit-Planung und Diversifikation des persönlichen Vermögens. Wir haben weltweit Aufträge in ca. 30 Branchen mit einem Wert von über 11 Mrd. US-Dollar erfolgeich umgesetzt. Unsere neuartigen Methoden und nachweisbaren Ergebnisse sind der Grund, warum wir weltweit als eine der angesehensten M&A-Experten bekannt sind.

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News und Artikel

Benchmark International Facilitated the Transaction of Christian Network International to Symbia Logistics

The seller, Christian Network International, is one of the largest independent Christian product fulfillment and distribution companies in the world. CNI represents various book, music, and film publishers and ministries from around the USA to the retail, church, and consumer end markets. Their award-winning service and state-of-the-art computer networking systems enable them to attract and retain customers.  

Why Negotiating the Tough Stuff Upfront in a Letter of Intent is Crucial in M&A Transactions

When you're selling your business, the most challenging negotiations are the ones that often get pushed aside, but they are the ones that should be tackled upfront. 

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated The Transaction Between Critical Environments Professionals and Scientific Safety Alliance

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the acquisition of the certification division of Critical Environments Professionals by Scientific Safety Alliance.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between World Class Displays and TentCraft

The seller, World Class Displays, has been building innovative, state-of-the-art trade show displays for over 30 years. They have industry-leading customer service to guide their clients through the creative process. They are a true "brand experience" company that helps amplify their client's brand into a dynamic experience using trade shows, corporate environments, and graphic wraps.

The ESOP Advantage in M&A: What Buyers and Sellers Need to Know

ESOPs have a special place in the business world. There's a bit of mystery around them as they are outside of typical business structures, and many need to understand how they work, much less their role in an M&A transaction. Some ESOPs seeking to sell are curious if they can do so with an ESOP in place. Others looking to buy or be bought out by an ESOP aren't sure of the proceedings. Fortunately, Benchmark has managed both situations and can navigate deals with these added layers of complexity.