
Global CEO, Gregory Jackson, named a recipient of the 2019 Leadership Award from M&A Advisor

May 29, 2019

Benchmark International is pleased to announce that our very own Global CEO, Gregory Jackson, has been announced a recipient of the 2019 Leadership Award from M&A Advisor. Our organization works hard to make the best transactions for our clients, and Mr. Jackson notes that without all members of the Benchmark International team, this accomplishment would not be possible.

To the M&A community, the M&A Advisor is the equivalent of the Oscars. Along with their other awards, they introduced the Lifetime Achievement and Leadership Awards program and established the M&A Advisor Hall of Fame to recognize extraordinary industry stalwarts.

Selected by a committee of industry experts, the award recipients are judged on their individual accomplishments, contributions made to their firm, its employees and the lasting benefits that they have brought to their profession and middle market M&A. 

“I’d like to accept this award on behalf of the entire leadership and everyone involved in the Benchmark international organization,” Jackson said. “Whilst the award has been presented to myself it is only right that we all share in this recognition as we ALL create, inspire, envision and celebrate together. Although my name may be on the award this is for everyone at Benchmark International.”

On November 19, 2019, the M&A Advisor will be hosting their annual M&A Advisor Awards with a gala celebration to follow. Mr. Jackson will be joining other industry leaders in the M&A Advisor Hall of Fame. This recognition stands as another piece of proof of the hard work that Benchmark International puts into each acquisition.

When it’s time to sell your business, you want a team of professionals on your side that is dedicated to excellence. Benchmark International has decades of experience working as an agnostic sell-side mergers and acquisitions firm.

Congratulations to our Global CEO for this recognition!


Call Benchmark International today if you are interested in an exit or growth strategy or if you are interested in acquiring.

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