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Wir vertreten Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer, die bereit sind, mit ihren Unternehmen den nächsten logischen Schritt zu machen, nachdem sie viel Zeit und Mühe in deren Aufbau investiert haben. Unabhängig davon, ob sie mit ihrem Unternehmen die nächste Stufe erreichen, aus dem Unternehmen aussteigen oder einfach nur einen Weg finden wollen, ihr persönliches Vermögen zu diversifizieren: Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer aus der ganzen Welt nutzen unser großes Expertenteam und unsere Kontakte zu potentiellen Käufern, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen.

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Biomatrix Water Solutions Acquired by Ross-Shire Engineering LimitedÜbernommen vonBiomatrix Water Solutions Acquired by Ross-Shire Engineering Limited
Biomatrix Water Solutions Limited
Ross-Shire Engineering Limited
Umwelt und Recycling
R.E.S Distribution acquired by WolseleyÜbernommen vonWolseley acquires R.E.S
R.E.S Distribution Limited
Wolseley UK Limited
Umwelt und Recycling
IPM acquired by TyroÜbernommen vonTyro Group acquired IPM
IPM Environmental Services Limited
Tyro Group
Umwelt und Recycling
NLG Ecology acquired by Phenna GroupÜbernommen vonPhenna Group acquired NLG
NLG Ecology Limited
Phenna Group
Umwelt und Recycling
Curie Environmental Services, LLCÜbernommen vonTradebe Environmental Services, LLC
Curie Environmental Services, LLC
Tradebe Environmental Services, LLC
Umwelt und Recycling
Anchor Pumps acquired by MegaGroupÜbernommen vonMegagroup acquired Anchor Pumps
Anchor Pumps Company Limited
MegaGroup Trade Holding BV
Umwelt und Recycling
Jardon & Howard Technologies, Inc.Übernommen vonPrecise Systems, Inc.
Jardon & Howard Technologies, Inc.
Precise Systems, Inc.
Cornelsen acquired by Rivus CapitalÜbernommen vonRivus Capital acquires Cornelsen
Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH
Rivus Capital
Umwelt und Recycling
Premier Grease Recycling & Services LLCÜbernommen vonTexas Feed Fat Co., Inc.
Premier Grease Recycling & Services LLC
Texas Feed Fat Co., Inc.
Umwelt und Recycling
Square One Coating Systems, LLCÜbernommen vonLionheart Industrial Group
Square One Coating Systems, LLC
Lionheart Industrial Group
Aurora Health Physics acquired by RSKÜbernommen vonRSK acquired Aurora Health Physics
Aurora Health Physics Services Limited
RSK Group Limited
Umwelt und Recycling
PDS acquired by ThermaticÜbernommen vonThermatic acquires PDS
PDS (NW) Limited
The Thermatic Group
Umwelt und Recycling
Trident Water Solutions acquired by Phenna GroupÜbernommen vonPhenna Group acquires Trident Water
Trident Water Solutions Limited
Phenna Group
Umwelt und Recycling
Huco Consulting, IncÜbernommen vonMontrose Environmental Group, Inc.
Huco Consulting, Inc
Montrose Environmental Group, Inc.
Produkte und Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen
Herrington Consulting acquired by EPSÜbernommen vonEPS acquired Herrington Consulting
Herrington Consulting Ltd
Environmental Protection Strategies Ltd
Umwelt und Recycling
Andidrain acquired by DenholmÜbernommen vonDenholm Energy Services acquires Andidrain
Andidrain Limited
Denholm Energy Services Limited
Umwelt und Recycling
Absolute acquired by RSKÜbernommen vonRSK acquires Absolute Solar and Wind
Absolute Solar and Wind Ltd
RSK Group Limited
Energie, Ressourcen und Versorgungswirtschaft
UCPC Ltd acquired by TSG UKÜbernommen vonTSG acquires UCP Choice
TSG UK Solutions Limited
Energie, Ressourcen und Versorgungswirtschaft
Boyd Brothers acquired by British Engineering ServicesÜbernommen vonBritish Engineering Services acquires Boyd Brothers
Boyd Brothers (Fauldhouse) Limited
British Engineering Services Limited
Architektur und Ingenieurwesen
Arc Abatement acquired by Fernandez Holdings acting for West Fork IP, LLCÜbernommen vonFernandez Holdings acting for West Fork IP, LLC acquires Arc Abatement
Arc Abatement
West Fork IP, LLC
Umwelt und Recycling
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Ich möchte dem Team von Benchmark International danken, denn wir sind davon überzeugt, dass dieses Endergebnis ohne den Fleiß und das Engagement jedes einzelnen Mitglieds nicht hätte erreicht werden können.

Earle Schaller
Nefco, Inc.
* translated

Wir sind Benchmark International für die Rolle dankbar, die sie im Übernahmeprozess gespielt haben. Sie haben ein kompetentes Team an Bord geholt und konnten den Prozess bis zum Ende durchziehen. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass uns diese Beziehung zu Scott Industrial Systems ermöglicht, unsere Kunden besser zu bedienen, und wir freuen uns auf das bevorstehende Wachstum.

Tim Sparks
Sun Coast Hydraulic Electric MFG Inc
* translated

Benchmark war beim Verkauf meines Unternehmens unglaublich hilfreich. Sie erklärten den Prozess und waren bis zur Ziellinie ganz vorne mit dabei. Ich kann Benchmark jedem wärmstens empfehlen, der sein Unternehmen verkaufen möchte.

John Hagan
Plastic Revolutions, Inc.
* translated

Ohne den Einsatz Ihres gesamten Teams hätten wir den Deal zu einem so hohen Preis nicht abschließen können. Die ersten Treffen mit potenziellen Käufern fanden in Ihren Büros statt und zeigten dem Käufer, dass wir uns gut präsentierten, da ein hervorragendes Verhandlungsteam für uns arbeitete. Dieses Gefühl blieb während des gesamten Prozesses bestehen. Die letzten Tage der Due Diligence und der Locked-Box-Analyse, die wir nie verstanden haben und die uns ins Stolpern gebracht hätte, wenn wir versucht hätten, dies ohne Ihre Unterstützung zu tun, waren großartig … wir können Ihnen allen nicht genug dafür danken, dass Sie uns durch dieses Verfahren zu einem hervorragenden Abschlusstermin geführt haben. Das Hochgefühl bei der Fertigstellung ist etwas, das wir nie vergessen werden.

Mark Jenkins
Waste Check
* translated

Benchmark International spielte eine entscheidende Rolle bei der erfolgreichen Übernahme. Das Benchmark-Team war von Anfang an sehr darauf bedacht, den perfekten Käufer für mein Unternehmen zu finden und brachte mehrere Kandidaten an den Tisch. Insgesamt war CTI aus Käufersicht die ideale Wahl und ich möchte Benchmark für die harte Arbeit und den außerordentlichen Einsatz danken, die diese Transaktion möglich gemacht haben.

Bill Mosher
Mosher Engineering, Inc
* translated



Global Environmental & Recycling Industry Report

The recycling services market grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3% to rise from a value of $58.53 billion in 2023 to $62.22 billion in 2024. This notable growth can be associated with increasing awareness of environmental sustainability, stricter waste disposal regulations, more emphasis on resource conservation, and regulatory pressures regarding the use of landfills.

2024 Global Environmental, Waste & Recycling Industry Report

The waste recycling services market has grown from $58.53 billion in 2023 to $62.22 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3%. Such historic growth can be attributed to:

The Green Economy Update And Outlook

The global green industry is forecast to grow at a significant rate between 2022 and 2026. Over the past decade, the green economy’s market capitalization grew from $2 trillion in 2009 to more than $7 trillion in 2021. It also nearly doubled its share of the global investable market from 4% to more than 7%. Last year, the market grew at a steady rate and is expected to continue to do so with the growing adoption of strategies by key players.

2022 Global Space Industry Report

In 2021, the global space market was valued at $388.50 billion and is expected to reach $540.75 billion by 2026. The sector has expanded by an impressive 70% between 2010 and 2020. The space economy is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.84% between 2022 and 2026. Analysts also predict that the space industry will reach $1 trillion in annual revenue by the year 2040, with launch costs lowered by 95%. As the cost of accessing space falls, opportunities for expansion and innovation will increase. The fastest growth is predicted to stem from new space applications and industries.

What Are Environmental, Social, And Governance (ESG) Policies And B Corp Certification?

As a business owner, you may have noticed an increase in conversations regarding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies in the workplace and B Corp status. Even though these policies are being implemented more frequently with larger companies, many small and mid-size business owners are not fully aware of what these policies are, what they mean, and how they are affecting investor behavior and M&A transactions. Let’s start by breaking down exactly what ESG is. 

Life Sciences And Biotech M&A During Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent demand for testing, treatments and a vaccine from life sciences and biotech companies. It has also changed the deal-making landscape in this sector. Advances in genetic sequencing have led to the development of new immunotherapies and approaches to medicine that has lowered risk and boosted M&A value and volume.

M&A And The Chemical And Plastics Manufacturing Industry

The chemical manufacturing industry converts raw materials such as gasses and oils into chemicals such as ethylene, propylene, methanol, benzene, chlorine, and paraxylene. These chemicals are feedstocks for value chains that produce a wide array of intermediates, plastics, and performance materials that are used to create more than 70,000 registered productsaround the world. It is an extremely diverse and complicated industry. Because many of the industry’s products are intermediates, the customers of chemical companies are often other chemical companies.

Environmental Services Industry M&A

Waste disposal and recycling companies provide essential services to global communities, giving this sector a relatively high level of resistance to changing economic cycles. Urbanization, increasing populations, and consumer spending drive the ever-growing demand for waste and recycling services.

Global Waste Management Outlook

The global waste management industry is expected to grow, with industry experts anticipating an overall value of over $530 billion. An increase in environmental awareness, growing populations, and a rise in urbanization are all key to expansion in the industry. Additionally, implementing stringent government norms towards dumping is anticipated to lead to further growth in the sector. 

Waterwaste Treatment Industry Outlook

The global industrial wastewater treatment market was valued at $10.6B last year, and industry experts expect this figure to reach $16.6B by 2026 – at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8%. The global market is propelled by factors such as diminishing freshwater resources and stringent regulations related to emissions and treatment of industrial waste. Industries such as food, petroleum refining, textile dying, and power plants are some of the main contributors to industrial wastewater. 

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