
Benchmark International Facilitated The Transaction Between CFA, Inc. And Bowman Consulting Group Ltd.

November 22, 2023

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the transaction between CFA, Inc. and Bowman Consulting Group Ltd.

CFA, Inc. is a civil engineering firm that provides consultation/design, land use planning/surveying, remote sensing, permitting, and construction administration services for private and government entities. The firm has the capability to work through the life of each project from feasibility and due diligence to design and construction.

Bowman is a nationwide engineering firm with over 2,000 employees and more than 80 offices throughout the United States. The firm imparts infrastructure solutions to customers who own, develop, and maintain the built environment. Bowman provides a variety of planning, engineering, geospatial, construction management, commissioning, environmental consulting, land procurement and other technical services to customers operating in a diverse set of regulated end markets.

“I am glad to see Kevin get this deal across the finish line and work towards his goal of retirement. The Bowman team has shown again they are a great home for our client’s businesses, and I hope nothing but the best for everyone involved.” - Senior Deal Associate Nick Woodyard, Benchmark International

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