
Benchmark International Has Successfully Facilitated The Transaction Between Quadmed, Inc. And Bound Tree Medical, LLC

May 6, 2024

Benchmark International has successfully facilitated the transaction between Jacksonville, FL-based QuadMed, Inc., a trusted distributor of emergency medical supplies and equipment for over 30 years, and Dublin, OH-based Bound Tree Medical. QuadMed supplies its products to emergency medical service (EMS) agencies, fire departments, law enforcement, military units, and other medical professionals, establishing a strong reputation in the industry.

QuadMed's products, including airway management, breathing and oxygen, diagnostics, patient monitoring, first aid, immobilization and patient handling, infection control, medical kits, and training equipment, are a testament to their commitment to providing top-notch products. The Company's on-staff sales force, new and innovative products, competitive pricing, and ongoing customer support after a sale further demonstrate their dedication to customer satisfaction.

Bound Tree Medical, LLC is a subsidiary of Sarnova, Inc., stands as a distinguished distributor specializing in the provision of prehospital emergency medical supplies, equipment, and pharmaceuticals tailored to meet the needs of EMS providers, comprising First Responders, EMTs, and Paramedics. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, Bound Tree diligently serves the healthcare community by offering a comprehensive range of products for efficient emergency response and patient care.

"After decades of building a formidable regional position in the medical products distribution space, the QuadMed leadership team has found a great home for its Company with Bound Tree. This combination will be a powerful force in the industry, and we strongly believe that the acquiring team will respect and continue to grow the legacy that QuadMed founders Lisa and Marley Price have built."- Senior Transaction Director William Sullivan, Benchmark International 

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