
Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Anchor Pumps Company Limited and MegaGroup Trade Holding BV

April 3, 2024

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the acquisition of Warrington-based Anchor by MegaGroup.

Anchor, the largest online pump distributor in the UK, distributes domestic, industrial, and commercial water pumps including shower pumps, booster pumps, heating pumps, submersible pumps, and home water booster sets. The company supplies over 1,200 customers, both B2B and B2C. Becoming part of MegaGroup offers Anchor, and its customers, many cross-selling and growth opportunities.

Private equity backed MegaGroup is the holding organisation for ten sales offices across Europe dealing with water transport solutions. The local sales offices service professional customers in different water technics markets including irrigation, building services, industry, pools, and livestock via approximately 16,000 different products including, pipes, couplings, hoses, filters, and pumps.

The company has extensive experience in acquisitions in the water technics market and is actively growing its network in Western Europe through both organic growth of existing MegaGroup companies and acquisitions.

Warren Holmes, managing director of Anchor Pumps, commented: “I am proud of the way we have been serving our customers and grown our network over the past years. MegaGroup offers us the opportunity to grow even further, professionalize and add new products to our range. I am confident that we will have a successful future together.”

Bernard Verburg, CEO of MegaGroup, said: “We have been impressed by the way Anchor has managed to serve their customers to achieve such a high level of customer satisfaction. Anchor’s experience and knowledge on pumps will be a huge asset to the group.”

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