
Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between ARC Technology Limited and Software Circle PLC

February 21, 2024

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the acquisition of Byfleet-based ARC Technology by Manchester-based Software Circle.

ARC Technology specialises in providing software solutions tailored for the management of practice-based learning in higher education institutions across the UK and Ireland.

AIM-listed Software Circle is a UK based serial acquirer of vertical market software businesses. It anticipates that the acquisition will be cash-flow generative and earnings-enhancing within the first year.

Post-sale, Nader Bishay, founder and managing director of ARC Technology, will remain with the business. Founding shareholder, Soraia Bishay, will be stepping down from her role.

Chief executive of Software Circle, Gavin Cockerill, said: "We're delighted to announce our first acquisition since raising additional funds in September 2023 to further our aim of becoming a serial acquirer of vertical market software businesses.

"ARC meets our acquisition criteria extremely well and adds to Software Circle's growing family of niche vertical market SaaS companies that generate revenues of a recurring nature. We welcome Nader and his team to the group and look forward to working with them to drive further growth in the years ahead."


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