
Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Celtic Care (Swansea) Limited and Potensial Ltd

March 6, 2024

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the acquisition of Celtic Care by Potensial (t/a Potens).

Celtic Care is a residential care provider operating three Swansea-based residential care homes. It collaborates with local authorities and health boards to provide ongoing access to domiciliary and residential care for young adults with disabilities and the elderly.

Potens is a national provider of health & social care support services for children and adults with disabilities and complex needs. Support is delivered through supported and independent living, domiciliary care, residential care, respite, and day opportunity services throughout England, North Wales and Northern Ireland.

Glenn Barnett, director at Potens commented: “I am very excited to welcome Celtic Care into the Potens family. This is the second service in South Wales and I look forward to getting to know the individuals we are supporting with the staff and managers. Our team will be spending the next few weeks talking to all parties to make the transition beneficial for all concerned.”

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