
Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction between Seltech, Inc. and Hatfield & Company

April 9, 2020

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction between Seltech, Inc. and Hatfield and Company.

Seltech specializes in engineering and industrial equipment sales. They specifically focus on instrumentation and process control, environmental monitoring, and filtration systems.  Seltech began in Tulsa, Oklahoma as a manufacturer’s representative firm and became a region wide wholesale provider of engineering and industrial equipment.

Benchmark International proved its value by finding a buyer with experience in the industry through its proprietary multi-medium marketing strategies.  In addition, Benchmark International incorporated several campaigns with local, regional, and national associations.

Deal Associate, Amy Alonso commented, “Benchmark International added value by negotiating this deal.  We saw throughout the entire process that the buyer, Hatfield and Company, was a perfect fit who stood to benefit greatly from the experience, industry knowledge, and high quality service that they would gain from the existing owner. With this knowledge, the team was able to negotiate a deal that would allow for the existing owner to successfully transition the business to a capable buyer.  We wish Seltech, Inc. and Hatfield and Company the best of luck in their future endeavors.”

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