Architecture & Engineering Industry Report
The global architecture, engineering & construction (AEC) market was valued at $10.05 billion in 2023. It is forecasted to witness a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3% to surge to $24.36 billion by 2032.
2024 Global Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) Industry Report
The Global Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) market was valued at $10.05 billion in 2023, with a forecasted compound annual growth rate of 10.3% to reach $24.36 billion by 2032.
2023 Architectural Services Industry Report
The architectural services industry comprises various companies that design and plan buildings and structures spanning residential, institutional, leisure, commercial, and industrial spaces. Key areas of expertise include knowledge of design, construction, zoning, building codes, and building materials.
Key Insights in Selling an Architecture Business
Mergers and acquisitions in each industry have their own oddities, and architecture is no different from any other in that regard. However, the following similarities always seem to rise to the top when selling a firm.
The Engineering Services Industry and M&A
The engineering services sector is made up of Engineering Services Outsourcing (ESO) firms or Engineering Service Providers (ESPs) that specialize in planning, design, and technical work at each stage of a product lifecycle. ESO is commonly used by industries such as construction, automotive, telecom, energy, transportation, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. Among the services offered by ESO that are consistently in high demand are structural, architectural, civil, and electrical engineering.
Top 10 Industries for Private Equity Investment Revealed
A study by Private Equity Info has identified the top 10 industries that private equity firms have been acquiring during 2018. Below is a breakdown of the industries along with why they have been so popular with private equity firms.
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Architecture and Engineering Industry
Over the last few years the architecture and engineering industry has seen a marked increase in mergers and acquisitions activity. Since reemerging from the depths of the recession, the industry has been ripe with activity; with everything from the expansion of the ever growing reach of firms like DLR, Perkins & Will, and HOK, to the merging of small businesses to facilitate the retirement goals of local industry experts. Considering there is typically a few year lag between economic fluctuations and corresponding changes in M&A activity, as the bull market run is approaching nine years, this type of inorganic growth activity shows no signs of slowing down.
Austin, Texas Proves to be an Engineering Hotspot
We’ve all heard it, the best measurement of a city’s growth is the number of cranes and projects going up. We’ve all heard buzzwords about Austin, TX being an “IT” city, but it’s not just Austin that is sprawling with new developments and high-rises. Stop and think about this type of buzzing activity throughout a 70 mile stretch from San Antonio, the home of the Alamo, to Austin-Roundrock. This, my friends, is the I-35 corridor, a stretch of interstate highway that connects San Antonio, San Marcos, Austin and Dallas. Almost everyone has benefited one way or another from the massive growth happening in the region. Better jobs, more activities for the young professionals, and an overall increased quality of life. The growth in the region has, of course, brought upon Central Texas its unique set of challenges that one does not think of right away.