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Benchmark International representa a empresarios altamente motivados que desean dar el siguiente paso lógico con sus negocios, a los que han dedicado una cantidad significativa de tiempo y esfuerzo durante muchos años. Ya sea que busquen llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel, salir de él o simplemente encontrar una manera de diversificar su patrimonio personal, empresarios de todo el mundo han confiado en el gran equipo de profesionales experimentados y redes de compradores motivados de Benchmark International para lograr su objetivo.

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Selección de Transacciones

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Biomatrix Water Solutions Acquired by Ross-Shire Engineering LimitedAdquirido porBiomatrix Water Solutions Acquired by Ross-Shire Engineering Limited
Biomatrix Water Solutions Limited
Ross-Shire Engineering Limited
Medio ambiente y reciclaje
Winvalue Acquired by GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)Adquirido porWinvalue Gmbh Acquired by GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)
WinValue GmbH
GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)
Skillko Acquired by Health and Safety InstituteAdquirido porHSI acquires Skillko
Skillko Limited
Health and Safety Institute
Robotics & Drives Services Limited Acquired by Automated Industrial Robotics IncAdquirido porRobotics & Drives Services Acquired by Automated Industrial Robotics
Robotics & Drives Services Limited
Automated Industrial Robotics Inc
Campfire Group acquired by Literacy CapitalAdquirido porLiteracy Capital acquires Campfire Group
Campfire Group
Literacy Capital plc
Productos y servicios empresariales
NimbusPoint acquired by CapficiencyAdquirido porCapficiency acquires NimbusPoint
NimbusPoint Consulting Limited
Capficiency Private Equity Group
Feakle Gas and Plumbing acquired by Water IntelligenceAdquirido porWater Intelligence acquires Feakle Gas and Plumbing
Feakle Gas And Plumbing Limited
Water Intelligence plc
Energía, recursos y servicios públicos
Z Consulting, LLCAdquirido porThe Bridge
Z Consulting, LLC
The Bridge
Productos y servicios empresariales
Xanalys acquired by Harris SoftwareAdquirido porHarris acquired Xanalys
Xanalys Ltd
Harris Software - Constellation
Bitco Telecoms (Pty) Ltd aquired by Link AfricaAdquirido porBitco Telecoms (Pty) Ltd aquired by Link Africa
Bitco Telecoms (Pty) Ltd
Link Africa (Pty) Ltd
Productos y servicios empresariales
Content Lab ta Content Curators aquired by TransperfectAdquirido porContent Lab ta Content Curators acquired by Transperfect
Content Lab ta Content Curators
Productos y servicios empresariales
The Romack GroupAdquirido porExcel Management Systems, Inc.
The Romack Group
Excel Management Systems, Inc.
Productos y servicios empresariales
Demetrius Of Forty Churches, LLC, DBA Ahlers MealsAdquirido porA Private Investor
Demetrius Of Forty Churches, LLC, DBA Ahlers Meals
A Private Investor
Consumidor, alimentos y venta minorista
Cornelsen acquired by Rivus CapitalAdquirido porRivus Capital acquires Cornelsen
Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH
Rivus Capital
Medio ambiente y reciclaje
Insight Vision CamerasAdquirido porThe Heico Companies
Insight Vision Cameras
The Heico Companies
RubLine Marketing, LLCAdquirido porcorePHP, LLC.
RubLine Marketing, LLC
corePHP, LLC
Productos y servicios empresariales
TOS (North East) acquired by National Business MachinesAdquirido porNBM acquired TOS
TOS (North East) Limited
National Business Machines Ltd
Trident Lifting acquired by StatomAdquirido porStatom Group acquires Trident
Trident Lifting Solutions Ltd
Statom Group Ltd
Dragon Fire Tools, LLCAdquirido porTraction Capital Partners
Dragon Fire Tools, LLC
Traction Capital Partners
Consumidor, alimentos y venta minorista
Mirage Computer Systems acquired by UnaricAdquirido porMirage Computer Systems acquired by Unaric
Mirage Computer Systems GmbH
Unaric Holding Limited
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Hemos creado un negocio fantástico en Arcus durante los últimos 14 años y estamos ansiosos por seguir desarrollándonos y diversificándonos geográficamente, en diferentes sectores del mercado y con nuevos clientes. Al unirnos a un líder del mercado como ERM, con una plataforma global y una presencia en el mercado tan sólidas, estas aspiraciones serán posibles de inmediato, al tiempo que garantizamos que nuestros clientes sigan teniendo acceso a la mejor experiencia técnica. También aspiramos a ayudar a las organizaciones que aún no se han dado cuenta del potencial que las energías renovables pueden aportar a sus negocios, y tenemos planes ambiciosos para lograrlo a través de nuestra unión con ERM, contribuyendo en última instancia a la transición global hacia una economía con menos emisiones de carbono. *
Greg Shillabeer
Arcus Consultancy Services Limited
* translated
Contratamos a Benchmark para que nos ayudara a ofrecer servicios profesionales en la venta de nuestro negocio relacionado con seguros. Su equipo, y lo más importante, su Deal Associate que manejó nuestra transacción hasta su finalización, se mantuvo involucrado durante algunas negociaciones difíciles. El Deal Associate ayudó a JCS a finalizar la venta del negocio con un resultado muy positivo para los propietarios. ¡Excelente trabajo Benchmark International! *
Allen G. Johnson
Johnson Claim Service, Inc.
* translated
“Barbara y yo les agradecemos a todos por el esfuerzo realizado para alcanzar nuestra meta”. *
Chuck Wunner
* translated
Mi prioridad era confiar la empresa a manos capaces. Gracias a Benchmark International, lo hemos logrado con éxito y espero colaborar con el nuevo propietario en este próximo capítulo. *
Thomas Roese
123 Autoteile GmbH & Co. KG
* translated
Benchmark International hizo un trabajo excepcional al preparar a Kaleidico, LLC para investigar las oportunidades de mercado y luego guiarnos en última instancia hacia una adquisición exitosa. Valoramos especialmente el hecho de que Benchmark International nos brindó una exposición amplia e interesante a una variedad de interesados ​​en fusiones y adquisiciones. *
Bill Rice
Kaleidico, LLC
* translated
“Benchmark International demostró su vasta experiencia y conocimientos al unir las fortalezas y sinergias de dos líderes de la industria. El equipo de Benchmark realmente se ganó cinco estrellas por su gran energía, su agudo conocimiento y su liderazgo a la hora de facilitar esta unión. En el complejo mercado actual, una estrategia y una ejecución sólidas y bien pensadas son la razón por la que confié y me apoyé en la capacidad de Benchmark para cumplir con sus objetivos”. *
Jeff Del Rossa
* translated
“El enfoque práctico de Benchmark International durante todos los aspectos del proceso de transacción fue fundamental para cerrar con éxito nuestro acuerdo”. *
Slav Stein
* translated
Benchmark International realmente hizo todo lo posible para cerrar este acuerdo. Me impresionó mucho la tenacidad de cada miembro del equipo para lograr que este acuerdo llegara a buen puerto. Lo más importante es que el equipo de Benchmark siempre se tomó el tiempo de escuchar mis inquietudes y comentarios y estuvo abierto a trabajar en este acuerdo teniendo en cuenta mis mejores intereses. Benchmark International finalmente encontró el socio perfecto para impulsar el crecimiento de la empresa y llevar a DevelopScripts al siguiente nivel. *
Mr. Rajaram
Developscripts LLC
* translated
Benchmark hizo que el proceso de venta fuera oportuno y sin inconvenientes. Comenzamos a operar en el mercado hace apenas unos meses y rápidamente encontraron una gran adaptación cultural que me permitiría dejar el puesto rápidamente y participar en el crecimiento futuro bajo la guía de Apprio. *
Art Seypura
Canaide, Inc
* translated
Fue fantástico trabajar con el equipo de Benchmark International. Desde el inicio hasta el cierre, siempre había alguien con quien hablar que tenía mucho conocimiento y tenía en mente lo mejor para mí. Recomendaría encarecidamente a Benchmark International a cualquiera que venda su empresa. *
Grant Becker
Becker Wright Consultants Group, Inc
* translated


Noticias y artículos

The Best Kept Secrets of Business Growth

In today's economy, operating a successful business can be a tricky thing to do. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20% of businesses fail within the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first ten years. These statistics may seem intimidating or disheartening to some, but those who have overcome the narrative have learned that their business must possess certain key characteristics. While many successful businesses may share similar characteristics, they often appear quite different. No matter how a business may differentiate from its peers and competitors, there is one thing that every business must maintain to stay afloat: growth.

PUSHTech Client Testimonial

Benchmark International facilitated the transaction between PUSHTech and Cendyn. Watch as Gerry Haag and Carlos Moncho, former shareholders at PUSHTech, discuss why they opted to work with an M&A adviser, what Benchmark International brought to the table, and where PUSHTech is now with the assistance of an acquirer.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Z Consulting, LLC and The Bridge

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the transaction between Z Consulting, LLC and The Bridge.

Benchmark International Ranked #1 Sell-Side-Exclusive M&A Firm In The World By Pitchbook

Pitchbook has released their Q3 2022 global league tables, and Benchmark International remains an esteemed leader in the M&A world.

Applying EBITDA Multiples To Your Company Valuation

If you are considering selling your business, you undoubtedly need to understand its value. Unfortunately, arriving at that answer can entail many different methodologies, and it often involves the familiar valuation formula of applying a multiple of Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA). For example, if a company boasts EBITDA of $1 million, and a five times EBITDA multiple is applied, the company’s estimated value is $5 million. But how do we know what multiple applies to your business? And how do we know if the EBITDA number is even accurate? After all, EBITDA will not be the same for every business.

You Haven’t Missed Out On The Ideal Seller’s Market

2021 was a strong market for business owners looking to sell their companies. The market remains ideal and will do so as we move into the first quarter of 2022. As we are in the middle of this year, there is no better time to consider putting your business on the market.

What’s The Difference Between Recurring And Repeat Revenue?

If you are considering selling your business, you will need to have a clear understanding of its type of customer revenue because it can significantly impact the value of your business. Sometimes people confuse recurring revenue with repeat revenue, but it is essential to understand how they are not the same thing. Recurring RevenueRecurring revenue stems from a contractually bound legal agreement for a solution delivered over time. It is usually contractual over one or multiple years, and because it may carry penalties or fees if the customer leaves, it can be counted on into the future. This makes it highly valued by prospective acquirers because of its predictability and lower risk. However, recurring revenue does not have to be contractual to be valuable. Depending on the business and the services offered, it can be too costly or too much of a hassle for a customer to leave or switch providers. An excellent example of this is customer relationship marketing companies that collect large amounts of valued data over time, making it more beneficial for clients to stick with their services. Below is a list of the different types of recurring revenue.

The New Reality and What it Means for Valuation

Is the bull market for privately held companies over? No, that’s not (yet) the reality. But one of the hallmarks of the glorious decade for selling businesses is no more. And unfortunately, many of the acquirers’ gatekeepers weren’t around the last time there was a bull market that looked like this one.

2022 Is a Seller's Year for M&A

2021 Was a Record Year

2021 Was a Record Year For M&A - And 2022 Could be, Too

After the trials and tribulations of 2020, no one really knew what to expect going into 2021. Yet, for the world of M&A, it couldn’t have been a more pleasant surprise.