
2013 Summary

December 18, 2013

2013 will be looked back on as the year when confidence truly returned to the M&A industry. After a slow start, buyers returned to the market in droves in H2 2013, with a strong focus on quality opportunities, backed with unspent cash and driven by pent-up demand.

We are all extremely excited about the year ahead due, in part, to some fantastic achievements in the second half of 2013. It was a record-breaking year at Benchmark International including a record number of successful transactions, a record number of transactions completed in a month (11 in November), and a record average multiple of EBITDA achieved on our completed transactions.

In October our achievements were recognized by our peers, when we were awarded the prestigious ‘Deal of the Year’ award at the Insider Dealmakers Awards, the universally recognized awards within the M&A deal making community. Gaining recognition for your achievements is always welcome and with many completions already in the pipeline for 2014 we are confident that we will retain our crown.

2014 promises to offer a continuation of positive market conditions, coupled with increasing levels of demand resulting in high values and multiples being received by business owners exiting their company. The US M&A lifecycle is now firmly within its growth phase, typically the most profitable time for business owners exiting their business as high levels of demand is met with reduced supply of companies.


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