
Benchmark International has Surpassed Mergermarket League Table High

October 10, 2023

Benchmark International is pleased to announce that it has been ranked in several of Mergermarket’s league tables for the number of deals it has conducted over the first three quarters of 2023, beating previous record highs.

The rankings are as follows:

  • 3rd in Ireland, up from 5th last year
  • 5th in the UK, up from 27th last year
  • 20th in Europe, up from 52nd last year
  • 8th in the US Midwest, up from 27th last year

While global M&A markets have endured a difficult year, Benchmark International has bucked this trend and continued to achieve highs in terms of deal volume and deal value.

Good news is also on the horizon as while macroeconomic volatility remains a risk, deals across the M&A landscape have remained relatively robust and safely above pre-pandemic levels, with recovery in Q2 2023 deal value boding well for M&A.

With significant deals on the horizon for Benchmark International, we look forward to Mergermarket’s full year outlook.

If you are considering the sale or exit of your company, schedule a call with our experts at Benchmark International so we can discuss your exit or growth strategy.

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