
How to Strike a Work-Life Balance to Improve Your Health

June 16, 2019

What were the reasons you started your own business? Most likely you wanted to pursue a passion but there are a multitude of other benefits that would tempt anyone to start their own business – from flexible working times to calling the shots. But, have these benefits actually become a reality?

If not, then it might be time to look at your work-life balance. Do you find yourself having no time to spend with your family and doing the things you love? Even worse, do you find that it’s having a detrimental effect on your health? For example, if you are stressed, being overworked can lead to a number of health problems such as stress induced insomnia and heart disease – something that needs to be remedied straight away.

Here is what you should do to make sure you are balancing work and life without being detrimental to your health:


Visit the Doctor

If you are feeling stressed and this is making you feel unwell then it is time to visit the doctor. Nobody likes visiting the doctor and it might be difficult to fit an appointment in around your schedule, but it is best done sooner rather than later – a doctor can tell you if you need to slow down and what will happen if you don’t.


Factor in Time for a Healthy Lifestyle

Make sure you schedule time for eating well, exercising regularly and getting plenty of sleep. Admittedly, it’s easier said than done, but fitting these activities into your day can help you work better and, often, working longer hours doesn’t actually lead to increased productivity, in fact – studies have shown that work performance can improve with a shorter work week.


Schedule Some Non-Business Time

Aside from scheduling in time for a healthy lifestyle, you should have some time for leisure activities you enjoy. You can’t work 24 hours a day so try and find time in the evening or weekend to switch off and enjoy other passions in your life to help reduce stress.


You may be considering the above and still finding it hard to imagine fitting these into your schedule. So how can you make more time?

You could hire more employees to lessen your workload, or perhaps you could embrace new technologies that can automate or speed up laborious tasks. These are great ways to free up your time and could even help the business grow.

However, the drawback is that this all costs money, as well as time and resources, at a point when these are in short supply. A potential option, therefore, is to consider an M&A transaction and sell equity in your business – this way, the success of your business can be carried on by a capable and dedicated owner, while you take much needed time to focus on yourself.



Call Benchmark International today if you are interested in an exit or growth strategy or if you are interested in acquiring.

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