You have worked hard to build your business from infancy and bring it to the success it has achieved thus far. Taking your business to the next level feels like the right thing to do, but your personal load is getting larger and larger, so how can you do that? You are nearly maxed out as it is. You knew starting a business would be hard and growing it would be even harder.
Should you sellout completely? Should you find a partner? You are probably beginning to explore your options. One option, that will make your job easier and help you find a partner who can take your company to its full potential, is using a mergers and acquisitions firm to help you find a buyer that will fulfill your vision for your business, through a strategic acquisition.
A strategic buyer is a buyer that acquires another company with optimal synergies to create an end business that is greater in value than the two companies standing alone. Often, these buyers will pay a premium for businesses as their goal is to gain more value than the intrinsic value of the company being acquired. In other words, the goal here is to make one plus one equal three.
You might be thinking you can find a partner yourself and paying for outside help doesn’t seem very lucrative. This is where you are wrong. An advisor is essential to finding a partner who can help you grow your business in the way you want. Additionally, a mergers and acquisitions firm can negotiate on your behalf to make sure you gain the most from a strategic partnership or acquisition.
Finding the right type of partner is key. Using a sell-side mergers and acquisitions firm will allow you to have access to a myriad of potential buyers who can help take your business to its full potential. Moreover, a sell-side advisor keeps your needs at the forefront of all they do throughout the entire mergers and acquisitions process. Your best interest is their best interest, so this is an important aspect to keep in mind when looking for an advisor to help with the sale of your business.
There are multiple ways to grow through strategic acquisitions. A strategic acquisition doesn’t limit you to looking at potential buyers only within your industry. You may find the best way to grow is to find a company that compliments yours. Your company may be the missing piece needed for a larger business to continue growing effectively, which gives you an advantage in sale negotiations.
Partnering up with a competitor or complimentary company within the same marketspace will also allow you to expand your professional footprint. A strategic buyer wants your business to succeed just as much as you do, and they see the value your business has to offer.
Of course, you want your business to continue being successful. Therefore, you need to continue focusing on its growth and investing your time into the business itself, not a transaction. You will save money short-term, but you will lose hours upon hours of time if you try to sell or merge your business on your own. Moreover, you could unintentionally fall behind on the business end of your operation, and this can negatively affect the value of your company, resulting in money lost.
Benchmark International is a mergers and acquisitions firm with decades of experience. We have closed over 500 transactions across more than 30 industries. We are a sell-side M&A firm always putting our clients first. We focus on selling the business for the highest value and find you a compatible partner, so you can focus on managing your business.
Benchmark International’s global offices provide business owners in the middle market and lower middle market with creative, value-maximizing solutions for growing and exiting their businesses. To date, Benchmark International has handled engagements in excess of $5B across 30 industries worldwide. With decades of global M&A experience, Benchmark International’s deal teams, working from 13 offices across the world, have assisted hundreds of owners with achieving their personal objectives and ensuring the continued growth of their businesses.
Call Benchmark International today if you are interested in an exit or growth strategy or if you are interested in acquiring.
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