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Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Romtex Enterprises, Inc. and Windlass Engineers & Services

Romtex Enterprises, Inc. is a precision machining and manufacturing company that serves a variety of industries, offering custom solutions tailored to meet specific client needs. With the capacity to handle both large and small-volume production runs, Romtex is highly flexible in accommodating orders of all sizes while maintaining exceptional quality standards. Utilizing advanced equipment and cutting-edge technologies, the company ensures that each order is crafted precisely and delivered to exact specifications, making it a reliable partner for businesses across multiple sectors. For more information, visit www.romtex.com to learn more.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between LimbTex Limited and Eqwal Group

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the acquisition of Limbtex Limited by Eqwal Group.

Benchmark International Facilitated the Transaction of Christian Network International to Symbia Logistics

The seller, Christian Network International, is one of the largest independent Christian product fulfillment and distribution companies in the world. CNI represents various book, music, and film publishers and ministries from around the USA to the retail, church, and consumer end markets. Their award-winning service and state-of-the-art computer networking systems enable them to attract and retain customers.  

Why Negotiating the Tough Stuff Upfront in a Letter of Intent is Crucial in M&A Transactions

When you're selling your business, the most challenging negotiations are the ones that often get pushed aside, but they are the ones that should be tackled upfront. 

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated The Transaction Between Critical Environments Professionals and Scientific Safety Alliance

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the acquisition of the certification division of Critical Environments Professionals by Scientific Safety Alliance.