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M&A expertis

Vi representerar mycket motiverade företagsägare som är redo att ta sina företag till nästa nivå, inklusive tillväxtstrategier, exitplanering och diversifiering av personlig förmögenhet. Vi har hanterat engagemang på över 12,5 miljarder USD i olika branscher över hela världen. Våra nya metoder och beprövade resultat är anledningen till att vi är kända som en av världens mest beundrade M&A-specialister.

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Nyheter & artiklar

Benchmark International Announces Tyrus O’Neill as New Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Americas

TAMPA, FL – 03/14/2025 – Benchmark International, a leading global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advisory firm, is excited to announce Tyrus O’Neill as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Americas. The appointment is part of Benchmark International’s ongoing strategy to accelerate its global growth and service innovation.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Technical Metals Inc and Manufacturing Revitalization Corporation of America (MRCA)

The seller, Technical Metals Inc, was founded in 1970 and employs over 65 people in their Fairbury, IL facility. Technical Metals (TMI) is an ISO-certified CNC manufacturer specializing in precision-machined components for the construction and agricultural industries. They experienced tremendous growth due to their unwavering commitment to their employees, customers, and community.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Klorman Industries (Pty) Ltd and The Pops Group (Pty) Ltd t/a Pool Pro

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the successful acquisition of Klorman Industries (Pty) Ltd (Klorman) by The Pops Group t/a Pool Pro (Pool Pro)

Expectations for Middle Market M&A in 2025

Recent surveys have shown that the M&A outlook for 2025 points to the highest levels of optimism in recent years for dealmaking activity. Citizens Bank’s 14th annual survey of over 400 middle market C-suite executives and private equity principals in the United States stated that a favorable economic environment is a key reason businesses and investors will seek M&A strategies in 2025. Furthermore, uncertainties from the last several years have subsided, and valuations are predicted to be stable or higher than in years past. Meanwhile, smaller mid-size companies are taking a more reserved approach, with many sellers opting to sell a piece of their business versus a full sale. In summary, surveyed decision-makers expect 2025 to see economic growth and a higher rate of M&A deals.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between The Brooks Group and Private Investors

The Brooks Group and Associates was founded in 1995 to provide solutions for healthcare-focused organizations. The Brooks Group is a premier consulting firm dedicated to training, research, and instructional design services for the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and healthcare industries. The Brooks Group consultants and trainers are experts at understanding the critical issues that confront clients and the decision processes that their management utilizes in operating their businesses.