
vcardChris Fielding

One New Bailey
4 Stanley Street
Manchester M3 5JL

Mr. Fielding was raised in Bury, growing up with a winning mentality and a drive to be the best at everything he does. As Director, he manages the team that assists the Sales Directors with securing new clients, ensuring our Transaction Teams are furnished with the most saleable clients possible.


Before joining Benchmark International, Chris ran his own small business in which he developed an acute awareness of the commercial decisions many business owners must face. He established this business at the young age of 21, achieving his first life ambition and running it effectively. His experiences taught him the value of hard work and going above and beyond in every situation to ensure success. Mr. Fielding was inspired to join Benchmark International because of our unique vision for the company, our employees, and our clients. He enjoys getting results and maintaining meaningful client relationships.




Chris has enjoyed many successes at Benchmark International and his proudest accomplishment is establishing his own team and process to assist the Sales Directors in their respective jobs, with our other offices following suit. He is continually developing and improving these processes to ensure Benchmark remains relevant in a competitive market. 


Chris believes that it is easy to promote a company for sale when you completely and wholeheartedly believe in what they do and what they wish to achieve for their clients and their future.



Jag kontaktade Benchmark International efter en tvist med min affärspartner eftersom jag behövde hjälp med att köpa ut honom. När jag pratade med deras säljare i telefon tipsade han mig om att mitt företag var för litet men besparade mig tid att förklara några viktiga fakta om hur detta skulle gå till, han följde till och med upp med ett mejl om hur man beräknar värdet på min partners aktier och ville inte ha något tillbaka. Även om jag inte var deras klient, var Chris hjälp ovärderlig och tillät mig att köpa min partners aktier. Ett mycket vänligt och hjälpsamt företag. *
Daniel Higginbotham
Shareholder, Tech Savvy Solutions
* translated