
Ávkkit go bargá minguin

Vuovdinbeale M&A-fitnodahkan mii bargat áŋgirit fitnodatdoalliid ovddas gávdnat heivvolaš oastit sin fitnodagaide. Min alla gelbbolašvuohta doaibmá maiddái oastit ovdii. Benchmark International lea ráhkadan iešheanalaš, ođđaáigásaš heivehanalgoritmma mii ovttastahttá du relevánta vuovdinvejolašvuođaiguin. Deavdde olles oastit profiilla sihkkarastit ahte leat álo dieđus vejolašvuođaid birra mat duođaid heivejit du beroštumiide.



Transakšuvnnaid válljen

Geahča lihkostuvvama
S&R Pool and Spa, IncOstojuvvonPool Service Partners
S&R Pool and Spa, Inc
Pool Service Partners
Pinta Crew Acquired by BPVAOstojuvvonPinta Crew Acquired by BPVA
Pinta Crew Limited
BPVA Group
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
acquisition of RConTAST-Deutschland GmbH by Eldar GmbH.Ostojuvvonacquisition of RConTAST-Deutschland GmbH by Eldar GmbH.
RConTAST-Deutschland GmbH
RL-Elektrotechnik GmbH
Rhodes ManufacturingOstojuvvonCon-V-Air USA
Rhodes Manufacturing
Con-V-Air USA
Palm Coast Sales, Inc.OstojuvvonFourshore Partners
Palm Coast Sales, Inc.
Fourshore Partners
Geavaheaddji, biebmu ja gávppašeapmi
Goldfreeze Acquired by RefrigiWearOstojuvvonGoldfreeze Acquired by RefrigiWear
Goldfreeze Limited
Institut fr angewandte Datenanalyse GmbH (IfaD) Acquired by Tito and Friends Holdings AGOstojuvvonInstitut fr angewandte Datenanalyse GmbH (IfaD) Acquired by Tito and Friends Holdings AG
Institut fr angewandte Datenanalyse GmbH (IfaD)
Tito& Friends Holdings AG
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
Illumin8 Blinds and Curtains Limited Acquired by Mzuri GroupOstojuvvonIllumin8 Blinds and Curtains Limited Acquired by Mzuri Group
Illumin8 Blinds and Curtains Limited
Mzuri Group
Ez Fabricating Inc.OstojuvvonHouse Rock Capital Partners
Ez Fabricating Inc.
House Rock Capital Partners
Presidio Doors, LLCOstojuvvonFirst Impression Ironworks
Presidio Doors, LLC
First Impression Ironworks
WESCO Chemicals, Inc.OstojuvvonApex Water and Process Inc.
WESCO Chemicals, Inc.
Apex Water and Process Inc.
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
Innovation Mold and Design, IncOstojuvvonHalifax west
Innovation Mold and Design, Inc
Halifax west
Clark CraneOstojuvvonSouthWorth Capital Management
Clark Crane
SouthWorth Capital Management
Christian Network InternationalOstojuvvonSymbia Logistics
Christian Network International
Symbia Logistics
Geavaheaddji, biebmu ja gávppašeapmi
World Class DisplaysOstojuvvonTentCraft
World Class Displays
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
MaxVac Inc.OstojuvvonDXP Enterprises, Inc.
MaxVac Inc.
DXP Enterprises, Inc.
Arrow Sign Company, IncOstojuvvonFusion Sign and Design
Arrow Sign Company, Inc
Fusion Sign and Design
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
BREDAN Mechanical Systems, Inc.OstojuvvonUndisclosed Buyer
BREDAN Mechanical Systems, Inc.
Undisclosed Buyer
Arkitektuvra ja inšenevraoahppu
The Blueberry Academy Limited Acquired by Linkage Community TrustOstojuvvonThe Blueberry Academy Limited Acquired by Linkage Community Trust
The Blueberry Academy Limited
Linkage Community Trust
Winvalue Acquired by GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)OstojuvvonWinvalue Gmbh Acquired by GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)
WinValue GmbH
GSG GENII Software Group (Portfolio Company of Bregal Unternehmerkapital)
Geahča kursora

Leage mielde ja dieđit iežat vejolašvuođaid oažžut e-poastadieđuid

Oastit sániiguin

“Benchmark International lea leamaš mielde sihkkarastimin dán transakšuvnna lihkostuvvama. Sin áŋgirvuohta ja ovddalgihtii doaibmi vuohki dagahii ahte proseassa ovdánii vahkkosaččat, ja sihkkarasttii fokusa juohke kritihkalaš lávkkis. Čoahkkimat maid sii lágidedje ledje deaŧalaččat oažžut rivttes vástádusaid vuovdi luhtte ja doallat buot berošteddjiid ovttaoaivilis. Benchmark International nammadan direktevra dán šiehtadussii, fránskkagielat gaskkusteaddji, dagai gulahallama álkibun mu joavkkus ja munnje ja láhčii mearkkašahtti láhkai min vuosttaš oastima USA:s. Su gelbbolašvuohta, čehppodat ja rávven ledje árvvolaš olles proseassa áigge. Mun ávžžuhan su garrasit juohke oastit.” *
Frederic Noel
* translated
Pinta Crew lea Irlánddas vuođđuduvvon alla kvalitehta konsuleantaovttasbargoguoibmi máŋgga njunuš irlándalaš ja globála fitnodagaide. BPVA-joavku áigu dál bargat dan ala ahte buktit Pinta Crew gelbbolašvuođa min viidát klieanttaide. Mii vuordit ahte dát logát oastit lea veahkkin joatkit dan árvoproposišuvnna maid BPVA-konsearna fállá. BPVA:s lei hui lihkostuvvan 2024:s ja olahii buriid ovdáneami mihttomeriid máŋgga suorggis min klieanttaide. Jagi 2025:s leat plánejuvvon máŋggalágan orgánalaš ovdáneami álgagit viiddidit BPVA-konsearna doaibmaguovllu ja mii joatkit ohcat akkretiiva oamasteami. Mii illudit boahtteáigái buot min fantastihkalaš joavkolahtuide ja buot min árvvusadnojuvvon klieanttaide. *
John Hannon and John Lacy
* translated
Mii leat ilus go beassat bures boahtin IfaD:ii min bearrašii ja geavahit sin sullii beallečuođi jagi gelbbolašvuođa. IfaD ​​iežas prográmmareaiddut ja gelbbolašvuohta diehtodieđalašvuođas, diehtoanalysas ja visualiseremis buoridit min portfolio mearkkašahtti láhkai ja addet lassiárvvu min guovddáš kundariidda. Mun illudan ovttasbargat bargiiguin ja kundariiguin ođđajagimánus. Mu mihttomearri lea viidáseappot viiddidit IfaD dálá nanusvuođaid. Munnje leat erenoamáš dehálaččat fáttát nugo dálá prográmmafálaldagaid viiddideapmi ja divvun, ja maiddái AI-geavaheapmi lassánan. Mun illudan dan gelddolaš bargui viidáseappot ovddidit ásahuvvon mearkka sisdoalu ektui *
Klaus Oberecker
Tito & Friends
* translated
Mii leat ilus go beassat bures boahtin RConTAST-Deutschlandii min portfolioi. Min fokus lea ceavzilis ovdáneapmái ja strategalaš ovttasbargguid ráhkadeapmái mat viiddidit kundariid ja buoridit bálvaluskvalitehta. Leverkusen-báiki galgá leat erenoamáš buorre viiddidanbáikin RConTAST:ii Lulli-Duiskkas, ja danin mii sáhttit viiddidit ja čiekŋudit min bálvalusfálaldagaid. Mun oainnán elrávnnji ealáhusa dynámalaš suorgin mas lea lohpidahtti boahtteáigi, man joatkkalaš digitaliseren ja elektrifiseren jođiha. Mu persovnnalaš ulbmil lea hukset dakkár fitnodatstruktuvrra mii aktiivvalaččat lea mielde ovddideamen servodatrievdama mii dárbbašuvvo vai boahttevaš buolvvaide šaddá árbi. RConTAST-Deutschland ja Eldar lagaš integrerejupmi buktá min mearkkašahtti lagabui dán mihttomeari. *
Tim Schmitz
Eldar GmbH
* translated
Márkaniid ovttastahttin lea čielga ovdáneami vuolggasadjin ja go sus lea nu buorre dovdu teknihkalaš gelbbolašvuođas, de oinniimet Matt:ii čielga vejolašvuođa integrerejuvvot dáid fitnodagaid stuorát jovkui. Mii leat ilus go leat dorjon sin guovtti vuosttaš oastimiin ja illudit doarjut joavkku eanet vejolašvuođaiguin go dat bohtet *
Charlie Pidgeon
NVM Private Equity
* translated
– Vejolašvuohta investeret fitnodahkii mas leat čiekŋalis ja lihkostuvvan oktavuođat muhtun dain dovdoseamos mearkkaiguin olgoáibmoeallimis ii boađe dávjá ovdan, dajai Barbera. Son fuomášuhttá ahte son ja Fourshore-joavku “leat ovdánanmohtor Palm Coast Sales OEM-ovttasbargoguimmiide ​​ja geahččalit viiddidit gávpefitnodagaid logu maidda PCS juohká miehtá dálá geográfalaš guovllu.” *
Nate Barbera
* translated
Doarjut min kundariid vaikko gos sii leat, lea dehálaš mihttomearri min fitnodahkii. Goldfreeze lasiheapmi, geain lea erenoamáš dovdu kvalitehta ja čáhcesuodjalusa dáfus, veahkeha min ollašuhttit min lohpádusaid kundariidda miehtá máilmmi. *
Ryan Silberman
* translated
Lean hui ilus ja ilus go beasan bures boahtin Total Van Solutions jovkui. TVS heive bures Comm-Ply vuollái, ja addá midjiide ođđa báikki, buori joavkku ja lassi gelbbolašvuođa ja gelbbolašvuođa. Giitu buohkaide geat leat mielde dahkamin dán oamasteami vejolažžan nu guhkes áigerámmaid siste *
James Nash
vGi Holdings
* translated
Mun lean ilus go beasan ovttasbargat Triton-joavkkuin danin go mu guhkes oktavuohta singuin lea dagahan ahte sii leat máilmmi buoremus ja ovddemus huksejeaddjit ii-militeara subfatnasiidda. Dát subfatnasat leat erenoamážat ealáhusas ja daid álkit rusttejit ovdánan dieđalaš ja mediarusttegiiguin mat buktet dehálaš gávdnosiid ruovttoluotta buohkaide." *
Ray Dalio
* translated
“Mr. Kekelis, háliidan giitit du ja du joavkku go leat addán midjiide dán hirbmat buori vejolašvuođa. Ii leat goassege álki oažžut šiehtadusa rastá maŋemus linjá, ja mii atnit árvvus buot dan áŋgiruššama maid Benchmark lea addán dán transakšuvnna guovtti beallái. Mii leat ilus EZ Fabrication boahtteáiggis ja illudit lassi vejolašvuođaide dán suorggis Benchmark:s” *
Bobby Anderson
Managing Partner
* translated


Ođđasat ja artihkkalat

Retirement Planning: Insights and Strategies for Business Owners in 2024

2024 is on pace to be a record-breaking year for retirement in the U.S. This year, an average of 11,000 Americans per day are expected to celebrate their 65th birthday. Now through 2027, we will see the most significant surge of retirement-age Americans than ever before. Yet, at the same time, data from the Pew Research Center shows that one in five people over the age of 65 are choosing to continue working, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics is projecting that Americans over the age of 65 will continue to rise in labor force participation over the next ten years. This trend is being mirrored around the world. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, over the past 25 years, labor force participation at older ages has increased significantly.

Shaping the Best Research Outcomes: Your Contribution is Vital

At Benchmark International, your deal team will explore various avenues when sourcing a buyer for your company, from undertaking their own desktop research through to utilising a variety of M&A subscription platforms and connections your deal team has accumulated over the years.

Skin in the Game: Navigating Post-Acquisition Stakes

The concept of "skin in the game" in the business world is not just a catchphrase; it's an ideology that defines the level of commitment and risk one has in a particular venture. Particularly in acquisitions, where future trajectories can be as diverse as they are uncertain, having a vested interest becomes paramount.

Founder-Owned Businesses Are Attractive M&A Targets

According to a recent Pitchbook report, buyers favor non-backed private companies in today’s M&A market. Non-backed companies are defined as not receiving any outside capital from private equity, venture capital backers, or angel investors.

What Is Seller Financing?

the financing agreement just like the buyer would negotiate the terms of a loan with a traditional lender. These include the interest rate, the number of payments per year, the loan's size, and the loan's length.

Knowing Your Buyer

As well as understanding the fundamentals and financial aspects of any offer for your business, understanding ‘your buyer’ is critical to the success of the deal and your ongoing relationships post-completion. Whilst it’s not possible to know your buyer ‘warts and all’ at the start of the process, your team at Benchmark International will work with you throughout the process to build your buyer knowledge.

2023 Cross-border M&A Update

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions offer key geographical diversification benefits for buyers and businesses alike. Gaining new exposure in new regions can lower business and operational risks under different economic and regulatory conditions. Buyers often look for cross-border deals when their core markets become saturated, when business slows down, or if they can find regulatory or monetary benefits in another country. Cross-border deals are important because they allow companies to expand their offerings by entering new markets or adding new products, services, intellectual property, or technologies. Cross-border M&A can bolster revenue opportunities and cost synergies while scaling efficiency as company operations expand to a broader market.

Stock Sales Versus Asset Sales

For the sale of a company, the parties involved can choose to structure the deal as an asset sale or a stock sale. An asset sale is when a company sells all of its assets or a portion of them. In this type of deal, the seller remains the legal owner of the business but no longer owns the assets sold. Under a stock sale, the buyer purchases equity from the selling company’s shareholders. There are several different reasons for sellers and buyers to pursue one type of transaction over the other.

Are Headwinds Coming For Buyers Seeking An SBA 7(A) Loan For Acquisitions?

The flagship of The Small Business Administration's programs to support small businesses is the SBA 7(a) loan guaranty program. The program was designed to encourage lenders to provide loans to borrowers that might not otherwise obtain financing on reasonable terms and conditions. Under this program, the SBA will guarantee 75% for loans greater than $150,000 with a maximum loan amount of $5 million with reasonable interest rates. This is a viable option for the average person looking to acquire their first business or an existing business looking to grow through acquisition. This loan is so popular that in 2021, the SBA approved 51,856 7(a) loans totaling $36.5 billion.

What Type Of Research Might A Buyer Conduct On My Business?

Before completing a deal, buyers may conduct a variety of different research on a seller’s business to better understand its complexities of it prior to due diligence. This research is an important step to ensuring that due diligence is carried out. Business research occurs in a variety of different ways.