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Benchmark International ovddasta fitnodatdoalliid geat leat hui movtta ja háliidit váldit boahtte logihkalaš lávkki iežaset fitnodagain, masa sii leat geavahan mearkkašahtti ollu áiggi ja návccaid máŋggaid jagiid. Vaikko sii háliidit loktet iežaset fitnodaga boahtte dássái, heaittihit dahje dušše gávdnat vuogi movt máŋggabealatvuođa iežaset persovnnalaš riggodagaide, de leat ealáhusdoallit miehtá máilmmi luohttán Benchmark International stuorra jovkui mas leat hárjánan ámmátolbmot ja movttegis oastitfierpmádagat olahit iežaset mihttomeari

Váldde vuosttaš lávkki


Transakšuvnnaid válljen

Geahča lihkostuvvama
S&R Pool and Spa, IncOstojuvvonPool Service Partners
S&R Pool and Spa, Inc
Pool Service Partners
Presidio Doors, LLCOstojuvvonFirst Impression Ironworks
Presidio Doors, LLC
First Impression Ironworks
Clark CraneOstojuvvonSouthWorth Capital Management
Clark Crane
SouthWorth Capital Management
Arrow Sign Company, IncOstojuvvonFusion Sign and Design
Arrow Sign Company, Inc
Fusion Sign and Design
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
Concepts in Millwork, Inc.OstojuvvonQuivion
Concepts in Millwork, Inc.
Storm Guardian Generators, LPOstojuvvonLiberty Service Partners
Storm Guardian Generators, LP
Liberty Service Partners
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
Bredo Doppelboden acquired by JB HoldingOstojuvvonJaneos acquired Bredo
Bredo Doppelboden GmbH
Janeos Beteiligungen, via JB Investment Holding GmbH
Vision BP, LLCOstojuvvonUS LBM Holdings, LLC
Vision BP, LLC
US LBM Holdings, LLC
Mersey Container Services acquired by Argent IndustrialOstojuvvonArgent Industrial acquires Mersey Container Services
Mersey Container Services Limited
Argent Industrial
D & D Roofing, Inc.OstojuvvonBell Roofing
D & D Roofing, Inc.
Bell Roofing
Satex Plumbing, IncOstojuvvonBleuwave General Contracting, LLC
Satex Plumbing, Inc
Bleuwave General Contracting, LLC
Scapes Group, LLCOstojuvvonCharter Vista Landscaping, LLC
Scapes Group, LLC
Charter Vista Landscaping, LLC
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
Tygra Industries, LLCOstojuvvonFugue Capital
Tygra Industries, LLC
Fugue Capital
Fredericksburg Machine & Steel, LLCOstojuvvonSRF, LLC
Fredericksburg Machine & Steel, LLC
J2 CompanyOstojuvvonQuiet C
J2 Company
Quiet C
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
D.R. Price Engineering and Land Surveying IncOstojuvvonBoos Resource and Technology Group
D.R. Price Engineering and Land Surveying Inc
Boos Resource and Technology Group
TMCADD Consulting & Services, LLCOstojuvvonNV5 Global, Inc.
TMCADD Consulting & Services, LLC
NV5 Global, Inc.
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
World Panel Products IncOstojuvvonIndependent Investor
World Panel Products Inc
Independent Investor
VO Brothers MechanicalOstojuvvonan Undisclosed Buyer
VO Brothers Mechanical
an Undisclosed Buyer
Deluxe Plumbing & HeatingOstojuvvonHomeX Services Group
Deluxe Plumbing & Heating
HomeX Services Group
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
Geahča kursora

Leage mielde ja dieđit iežat e-poastta dieđuid birra mat gusket guoskevaš ođđasiidda

: “Mii leat ilus go Herbex-brándda vuovdin lea loahpahuvvon, man Benchmark International joavku lea gelbbolaččat lágidan. Sin ámmátlašvuohta, fuomášupmi detáljaide ja áŋgirvuohta sihkkarastte ahte proseassa čađahuvvui njuovžilit álggu rájes gitta lohppii. Erenoamáš ja váimmolaš giitu manná olles Benchmark-jovkui, gean čielga doarjja, ráfálaš doaibma ja gelbbolašvuohta ledje dehálaččat dán transakšuvnna čađaheamis. Sin máhttu doallat visot ortnegis seammás go doalahit čielga gulahallama lei deaŧalaš lihkostuvvamii. Mii leat ilus go oaidnit Herbex-mearkka joatkkaovdáneami ođđa jođiheami vuolde. Mis lea ollislaš luohttámuš dasa ahte boahtte kapihttalis leat ođđa vejolašvuođat ja olahusat, ja mii illudit oaidnit maid boahtteáigi buktá." *
Eddie Bisset
Chief Executive Officer
* translated
Maŋŋel máŋga lihkostuvvan jagi IfaD:s, de lean ilus go beasan bidjat fitnodaga buriid gieđaide. Go IfaD lea oassin Tito & Friends joavkkus, de lean sihkkar ahte IfaD joatká iežas geainnu bargiid ja kundariid duhtavašvuhtii. *
Martin Cyrus
* translated
Mun lean ilus go beasan searvat Phenna Group fitnodatportfolioi. Fitnodagas leat erenoamáš buorit duođaštusat TICC-suorggis ja čájehii lagaš ovttasbarggu min árvvuide ja ealáhusdoaimma vuoiŋŋaide. Válljet rivttes ovttasbargoguoimmi geas leat seamma áigumušat ovdánit, gii addá midjiide doarjaga ja doarjaga olahit dáid mihtuid lei dehálaš ja mun jáhkán garrasit ahte Phenna Group ollašuhttá juste dan. Mun lean hui movtta boahtteáiggis. *
Steve Cressey
Group Management Electrical Surveys Limited
* translated
Lean hui ilus go beasan searvat Phenna-jovkui ja illudan ovttasbargat Pauliin ja su joavkkuin ovddidit fitnodaga boahtteáiggi ovdáneami. Dan rájes go mearrideimmet ohcat ovttasbargoguoimmi, de lei čielggas vuosttaš deaivvadeamis Phenna Groupain ahte soai leigga seamma oaidnu min fitnodahkii. Sii leat leamaš ámmátlaččat ja álkit gieđahallat olles proseassa áigge ja mun illudan ovddidit min gaskavuođa ja viiddidit fitnodaga boahttevaš jagiid. *
Brian Impleton
Facit Testing Limited
* translated
Lean hui duhtavaš go beasan ovttasbargat Phenna Groupain. Go áiggun vuolgit eret jođiheaddjiovddasvástádusain, de lei munnje dehálaš sihkkarastit hárjánan ja ulbmillaš ovttasbargoguoimmi ovttasbargat Jon Austiniin, gii galgá jođihit joavkku stivrajođiheaddjin. Vuosttaš geardde go deaivvadin Pauliin ja su joavkkuin, de soai leaba leamaš ámmátlaččat ja luohtehahttit. Dat lea addán munnje stuora luohttámuša dasa ahte fitnodat lea čeahpes gieđain ja illudan min viiddideami boahtte fásii, ovttasbargat lagas ovttasbarggus Phenna Group joavkkuin. *
Mike Fitchett
Safety Services (UK) Limited
* translated
Mun lean ilus go beasan searvat Phenna Group:ii ja illudan ovttasbargat Pauliin ja muđui Phenna joavkkuin doarjut min hui ulbmillaš ovdánanplánaid. *
Jon Austin
Safety Services (UK) Limited
* translated
Lean ilus go beasan searvat Phenna Group:ii, lean leamaš várrugas válljet ovttasbargoguoimmi geas ledje seamma árvvut, geas ledje seamma áigumušat ja gii livččii alla integritehta, luohtehahtti ovttasbargoguoibmi. Vuosttaš deaivvadeami rájes Pauliin ja su joavkkuin leat leamaš álkit gieđahallat singuin ja sii leat ollašuhttán dan maid ledje dadjan, mii lea addán munnje stuorra luohttámuša dasa ahte fitnodat, man Phenna Group doarju, lihkostuvvá boahtteáiggis. *
Tim Goodwin
Ecology Solutions Limited
* translated
Mii leat ilus ja ilus go beassat ovttasbargat Phenna Groupain. Dan rájes go vuosttaš geardde deaivvadeigga Pauliin ja su joavkkuin, de leaba doaibman hui čielggasvuođain ja ollisvuođain; árvvut mat ledje hui dehálaččat midjiide mearrádusa dahkamis. Angela ja mun leaba sihkkarat ahte Phenna Group fállá juste dan doarjaga maid Andy ja su joavku dárbbašit vai sáhttit ollašuhttit min boahtteáiggi ovdánanplánaid ja doalahit min fálaldagaid kvalitehta. Trident Wateris lea erenoamáš buorre, hárjánan ja hui čeahpes joavku ja Phenna Groupas jáhkán ahte boahtteáigi šaddá sihke gelddolaš ja bálkkašahtti. *
Stuart Nixon
Trident Water Solutions Limited
* translated
Mii leat ilus go beassat searvat Phenna Group:ii ja illudit go beassat ovttasbargat RammSanderson joavkkuin. Lean dovdan sin máŋga jagi ja sis lea seamma kultuvra ja árvvut nu ahte jáhkán ahte dat heive hui bures. Vuosttaš ovttasbarggu rájes Phenna Group joavkkuin mii leat dovdan iežamet sihkkarin ahte leat gávdnan rivttes ovttasbargoguoimmi gii doarju min boahtteáiggi ovdáneami. *
Neil Lee-Gallon
NLG Ecology Limited
* translated
Giitu hui ollu didjiide buohkaide go lehpet veahkkin bidjat dán šiehtadusa oktii. Dus lea leamaš stuorra positiiva váikkuhus dasa ahte dat lea ollašuvvan! GeoStructures ruhtadanhoavda Pete Sacripanti lasihii, Giitu Benchmark Internationalii ja jovkui mii barggai dán šiehtadusain. Benchmark International fálai erenoamáš buori bálvalusa min duohtavuođa- ja soabadanbargguide ja sihke vuovdi ja oastit hálddašeapmái lihkostuvvan loahpaheapmái. *
Simon Den Tuinder
ASAP Installations, LLC
* translated


Ođđasat ja artihkkalat

2024 Global Roofing Industry Report

The global roofing market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7% from $267.64 billion in 2023 to $277.42 billion in 2024. This growth can be attributed to growth within construction and real estate, urbanization trends, climate and weather, architectural styles and trends, and the need for maintenance and replacement.

2024 Global Real Estate, Lodging & Leisure Industry Report

Discover the vibrant landscape of the global real estate market in 2024, boasting a robust growth trajectory with revenues surging from $4.02 trillion in 2023 to $4.31 trillion.

2024 Global Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) Industry Report

The Global Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) market was valued at $10.05 billion in 2023, with a forecasted compound annual growth rate of 10.3% to reach $24.36 billion by 2032.

Building A Contracting Business To Sell

Within the last decade or so, consolidation has become the name of the game within many of the sectors in the construction and contracting industries.

2023 Global Equipment Rental Industry Report

The global equipment rental industry is rapidly expanding, with the global market size forecast to reach $120.7 billion by 2027. The equipment rental industry is set to experience significant growth in the coming years and is becoming an increasingly important part of the global economy.Construction Equipment RentalThe construction equipment rental segment accounts for the majority of total revenue in the sector globally.The global construction equipment rental market was valued at $109.4 billion in 2022. The market is forecast to reach $153.1 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.59% between 2023 and 2028. The construction equipment market includes material handling, earthmoving, concrete, and road construction. Earthmoving equipment dominates the construction equipment market. Regarding propulsion systems, the market can be segmented into electric and internal combustion engines (ICE), with the latter holding the most market share. The construction industry is thriving worldwide, and there is increasing investment in infrastructural development. These factors are driving the growth of the construction equipment rental market. In addition, as populations rise, governments and private stakeholders invest more in residential and public infrastructure to support their economies. Also, automation in the construction sector is another key growth driver. Rental companies offer high-tech machinery equipped with artificial intelligence (A.I.) and professional operators. The goal is to cut the overall costs for the companies leasing the equipment and enhance operational efficiency. Other factors driving the construction equipment rental market include urbanization, smart cities, and the developing of advanced equipment with sustainable and eco-friendly features.Oil & Gas Equipment RentalThe oil and gas sector is expected to contribute to the growth of the equipment rental market because of increased exploration. As the industry increases its activities, the need for rental equipment to support these activities will also increase. Oil and gas exploration activities are projected to contribute significantly towards future market expansion, as well as digitalization, which could result in a CAGR of 5% by 2025. The drilling rig sector is expected to dominate the market due to the increasing exploration and production activities. Also, advancements in deepwater drilling activities in regions such as Brazil, Norway, and the United Kingdom are expected to create ample opportunity for market players in the coming years. While countries such as Argentina, Canada, Australia, and China are investing in the exploration and production of shale oil and gas reserves, North America is forecast to be the largest market for oilfield rental services due to increasing oil and gas activities and offshore reserve exploitation in the U.S.Power Equipment Rental Power equipment rental is also referred to as power on hire. It offers several advantages over purchased power equipment. Rented generators provide flexibility, carry lower maintenance and installation costs, are available on short notice, and offer lower initial prices. Power outages are increasing the demand for reliable backup power sources in both industrial and commercial sectors, driving the adoption of power rental equipment. Additionally, mining activities are among the highest energy consumers from generators, as most mining activities occur in more remote areas outside the power supply grid. The power rental market is expected to reach $28 billion by 2026, indicating that it is a lucrative and growing market. The industry is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years. DigitalizationThe digitalization of equipment rental services is forecast to boost market growth by a CAGR of 5% by 2025, showing significant potential for the industry in the coming years. Such a considerable increase could result in more efficient and cost-effective rental services and increased customer satisfaction.The Internet of Things (IoT) is also a driving market trend, allowing companies to track their assets’ movements and offering them more visibility and control on hand. The IoT can also extend the lifecycle of equipment and lower costs through more carefully tracked data metrics. Some estimations report that the IoT has the potential to cut maintenance costs by up to 40% and equipment downtime by up to 50%. The IoT has also been shown to cut costs and time regarding inventory tracking and reduce human errors.Equipment rental companies also use A.I. for customer relationship management (CRM) purposes. This offers them a better understanding of their customer’s preferences and behavior patterns. It can also aid in getting more accurate order tracking and delivery information, help rental companies automate relationship management, offer better support, and adapt quickly. 

Global HVAC Industry Report 2022

In 2021, the global heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) market was valued at $156.44 billion. The market is expected to be valued at $231.11 billion by 2027, expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.72% between 2022 and 2027.

2022 Real Estate Industry Report

This real estate industry report dives into what to expect in this sector for 2022 and highlights key trends for the upcoming years.

The Current State Of Commercial Real Estate

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on all classes of commercial real estate. Yet, it also created some new opportunities within the commercial real estate (CRE) market, such as affordable rental prices, improved digital communication and payment facilitation, as well as new opportunities for business owners and investors. And further recovery is well underway.  

2020 Real Estate Sector Update

The real estate industry, both commercial and residential, is undergoing transformation due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. People are working from home, traveling less, and some are migrating to smaller cities. Digitalization is becoming more prevalent, as owners, developers and managers of properties are seeking out virtual and touchless solutions to ensure safety and boost efficiency in a competitive market. Middle-market companies that keep up with the demand for innovation are poised to thrive under these new-normal conditions. 

M&A And The Construction Materials Industry

The construction materials industry is comprised of suppliers of the raw materials used by builders in both commercial and residential construction. This wide array of materials are both natural and man-made: