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Benchmark International ovddasta fitnodatdoalliid geat leat hui movtta ja háliidit váldit boahtte logihkalaš lávkki iežaset fitnodagain, masa sii leat geavahan mearkkašahtti ollu áiggi ja návccaid máŋggaid jagiid. Vaikko sii háliidit loktet iežaset fitnodaga boahtte dássái, heaittihit dahje dušše gávdnat vuogi movt máŋggabealatvuođa iežaset persovnnalaš riggodagaide, de leat ealáhusdoallit miehtá máilmmi luohttán Benchmark International stuorra jovkui mas leat hárjánan ámmátolbmot ja movttegis oastitfierpmádagat olahit iežaset mihttomeari

Váldde vuosttaš lávkki


Transakšuvnnaid válljen

Geahča lihkostuvvama
WESCO Chemicals, Inc.OstojuvvonApex Water and Process Inc.
WESCO Chemicals, Inc.
Apex Water and Process Inc.
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
Storm Guardian Generators, LPOstojuvvonLiberty Service Partners
Storm Guardian Generators, LP
Liberty Service Partners
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
Feakle Gas and Plumbing acquired by Water IntelligenceOstojuvvonWater Intelligence acquires Feakle Gas and Plumbing
Feakle Gas And Plumbing Limited
Water Intelligence plc
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
Satex Plumbing, IncOstojuvvonBleuwave General Contracting, LLC
Satex Plumbing, Inc
Bleuwave General Contracting, LLC
Micro-Precision Technologies, Inc.OstojuvvonGreat River Capital Partners
Micro-Precision Technologies, Inc.
Great River Capital Partners
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
J2 CompanyOstojuvvonQuiet C
J2 Company
Quiet C
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
Cardiff Gas acquired by JGasOstojuvvonJGas acquired Cardiff Gas
Cardiff Gas Ltd
JGas Ltd
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
VO Brothers MechanicalOstojuvvonan Undisclosed Buyer
VO Brothers Mechanical
an Undisclosed Buyer
Deluxe Plumbing & HeatingOstojuvvonHomeX Services Group
Deluxe Plumbing & Heating
HomeX Services Group
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
PS International, Inc.OstojuvvonRockford Separators
PS International, Inc.
Rockford Separators
Insight Vision CamerasOstojuvvonThe Heico Companies
Insight Vision Cameras
The Heico Companies
Square One Coating Systems, LLCOstojuvvonLionheart Industrial Group
Square One Coating Systems, LLC
Lionheart Industrial Group
WJ Project Services acquired by AmcomriOstojuvvonWJ Project Services acquired by Amcomri
W J Project Services Limited
Amcomri Group Limited
Arkitektuvra ja inšenevraoahppu
Sieveking Inc.OstojuvvonEnergy Petroleum Co.
Sieveking Inc.
Energy Petroleum Co.
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
IEM Energy Consultants, LLCOstojuvvonWhite Wolf Capital
IEM Energy Consultants, LLC
White Wolf Capital
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
PDS acquired by ThermaticOstojuvvonThermatic acquires PDS
PDS (NW) Limited
The Thermatic Group
Biras ja máhcaheapmi
Macro Works acquired by APEMOstojuvvonAPEM Group acquires Macro Works
Macro Works Limited
APEM Group
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
HVH Mechanical SolutionsOstojuvvonService Logic
HVH Mechanical Solutions
Service Logic
Appellation Construction ServicesOstojuvvonWhiteley Infrastructure Group
Appellation Construction Services
Whiteley Infrastructure Group
Neil Dornbusch & AssociatesOstojuvvonAnderson Process
Neil Dornbusch & Associates
Anderson Process
Energiija, resurssaid ja ávkkástallama
Geahča kursora

Leage mielde ja dieđit iežat e-poastta dieđuid birra mat gusket guoskevaš ođđasiidda

Mii leat ráhkadan fantastihkalaš fitnodaga Arcusas maŋemus 14 jagi ja háliidit viidáseappot ovdánit ja máŋggabealatvuođa geográfalaččat, iešguđet márkansurggiin ja ođđa klieanttaiguin. Go searvat márkanjođiheaddjái nugo ERM:ii, mas lea nu nana globála lávdi ja márkanoassálastin, de dát áigumušat šaddet dakkaviđe vejolažžan, seammás go sihkkarastit ahte min klieanttat ain ožžot buoremus teknihkalaš gelbbolašvuođa. Mii áigut maiddái veahkehit organisašuvnnaid mat eai leat vuos ollásit fuomášan makkár vejolašvuođaid ođasmuvvi energiija sáhttá buktit sin fitnodagaide, ja mis leat ulbmillaš plánat olahit dan min ovttasbarggu bokte ERM:in, ja loahpas leat mielde ovddideamen globála sirdima unnit CO2-ekonomiijai. *
Greg Shillabeer
Arcus Consultancy Services Limited
* translated
Mii bálkáheimmet Benchmark veahkehit fállat fágalaš bálvalusaid min dáhkádusguoskevaš fitnodaga vuovdimis. Sin joavku, ja deháleamos sin Deal Associate gii gieđahalai min transakšuvnna gitta loahpa rádjái, lei mielde muhtun váttis šiehtadallamiin. Deal Associate veahkehii JCS loahpahit fitnodaga vuovdima mas lei hui positiiva bohtosa eaiggádiidda. Buorre bargu Benchmark International! *
Allen G. Johnson
Johnson Claim Service, Inc.
* translated
“Barbara ja mun giitit din buohkaid go leat áŋgiruššan olahit min mihttomeari.” *
Chuck Wunner
* translated
Mu vuoruheapmi lei luohttit fitnodaga čeahpes gieđaide. Benchmark International bokte mii leat lihkostuvvan olahit dán, ja illudan ovttasbargat ođđa eaiggádiin dán boahtte kapihttalis *
Thomas Roese
123 Autoteile GmbH & Co. KG
* translated
Benchmark International dagai erenoamáš buori barggu ráhkkanahttit Kaleidico, LLC dutkat márkanvejolašvuođaid ja dasto loahpas rávvet min lihkostuvvan oastimii. Mii atnit erenoamážit árvvus dan ahte Benchmark International attii midjiide viiddis ja miellagiddevaš oainnu máŋggalágan ovttastahttin- ja oamastanfitnodagaide *
Bill Rice
Kaleidico, LLC
* translated
“Benchmark International čájehii iežas stuorra vásáhusaid ja gelbbolašvuođa čohkket guovtti ealáhusjođiheaddji čehppodaga ja ovttasbarggu. Benchmark joavku duođaid oaččui vihtta čuoggá sin alla energiija, áŋgiris oainnu ja jođiheami ovddas láhčit dili dán ovttastussii. Otná kompleaksa márkanis lea nana bures jurddašuvvon strategiija ja ollašuhttin sivvan manin mun luohttán ja luohttán Benchmarka vejolašvuođaide buvttadit.” *
Jeff Del Rossa
* translated
“Benchmark International giehtabargu buot beliin transakšuvdnaproseassas lei vuođđun min lihkostuvvan šiehtadusa loahpaheapmái.” *
Slav Stein
* translated
Benchmark International duođaid áŋgirušai dán šiehtadusa čađaheamis. Mun lean hui duhtavaš go juohke joavkolahttu lei gierdavaš oažžut dán šiehtadusa rastá maŋemus linjá. Deháleamos lei ahte Benchmark-joavku álo válddii áiggi guldalit mu fuolaid ja máhcahagaid ja ledje rabas bargat dán šiehtadusain mu buoremus beroštumiid mielde. Benchmark International gávnnai loahpas dan buoremus ovttasbargoguoimmi mii galggai lasihit fitnodaga ovdáneami ja loktet DevelopScripts boahtte dássái. *
Mr. Rajaram
Developscripts LLC
* translated
Benchmark dagai vuovdinproseassa áigeguovdilis ja njuovžilin. Mii vulggiimet márkanii dušše moadde mánu dassái ja sii gávnnahedje jođánit buori kultuvrralaš heiveheami mii dagahii ahte mun bessen jođánit eret stivremis seammás go oassálastten boahtteáiggi ovdáneapmái Apprio jođihemiin. *
Art Seypura
Canaide, Inc
* translated
Benchmark International joavku lei hui somá ovttasbargat. Álggos álgima rájes gitta lagasvuhtii, de lei álo muhtin geainna ságastallat gii lei hui máhtolaš ja geas lei mu buoremus beroštupmi. Mun ávžžuhan garrasit Benchmark International buohkaide geat vuovdet iežaset fitnodaga *
Grant Becker
Becker Wright Consultants Group, Inc
* translated


Ođđasat ja artihkkalat

Global Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing Industry Report

Semiconductors power many different types of electronics, which have become critical components in an era where more and more products rely on connected technologies. The production of semiconductors involves companies that design the chips, manufacture them, and supply the needed technologies, materials, and machinery.  

2024 Global Energy And Power Industry Report

Global demand for electricity is forecast to rise faster over the next three years, growing by an average of 3.4% annually through 2026, driven by an improving economic outlook. The worldwide energy market is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.84% from 2024 to 2028.

UK Dealmaking Trends 2024 – The Return of Deals

In the wake of persistently low deal activity over the past two years, the dealmaking landscape is showing signs of change. As interest rates stabilise, inflation falls, and markets become less volatile, dealmakers are presented with new opportunities and challenges.

2024 M&A Outlook

Explore the latest insights and trends shaping the 2024 M&A landscape in our newest article. Discover key strategies and predictions that could redefine business acquisitions this year. Stay informed and ahead of the curve with Benchmark International's comprehensive outlook.

2023 Electrical Contracting Industry Report

Electrical contractors are a vital component of the construction industry and support broader economies. These businesses employ many workers and generate billions of dollars annually by providing essential services that power societal infrastructure, includingdesigning, installing, and maintaining electrical systems that power residential, commercial, and community functions. As economies continue to grow and the demand for electrical services increases, the electrical contracting market expects continuous growth in future years.

2022 Global Space Industry Report

In 2021, the global space market was valued at $388.50 billion and is expected to reach $540.75 billion by 2026. The sector has expanded by an impressive 70% between 2010 and 2020. The space economy is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.84% between 2022 and 2026. Analysts also predict that the space industry will reach $1 trillion in annual revenue by the year 2040, with launch costs lowered by 95%. As the cost of accessing space falls, opportunities for expansion and innovation will increase. The fastest growth is predicted to stem from new space applications and industries.

2022 Oil & Gas Report

In dollar value alone, the oil & gas sector is the world’s largest industry, employing a massive workforce of around 4 million people globally. The major oil companies account for a significant percentage of a country’s national GDP. The world’s largest producers of oil are the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

2021 Energy & Sustainability Report: Progress, Trends, And M&A

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed to the world just how unprepared entire business sectors can be when it comes to unexpected events of mass proportion, and just how delicate our global supply chains actually are. COVID has been a health crisis that impacted lives, economies, and industries. Climate-driven events and disasters occur on a more concentrated scale but have proven to be extremely costly and disruptive to multiple sectors in various geographies—a problem that appears to be growing more prevalent.  

HVAC: A Consolidating Market

When financial buyers think of HVAC contractors, they see an industry ripe for consolidation. The trend of HVAC consolidation started a few years ago and has not slowed down.

Reasons For Optimism In An Uncertain Oil & Gas Market

In December 2020, U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette told CNBC's Hadley Gamble that American shale producers should be concerned about their industry's future.[1] Secretary Brouillette stated: “…there are some in Congress who are going to drive a climate policy that's going to be very aggressive. So there may be a concern on the part of those folks, I know the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) movement is very strong.” Secretary Brouillette also added that, “The investment money may become a bit more difficult to get,” and, “Those are all policies where we’ll have to wait and see what happens with this new Congress.”