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Benchmark International representerar företagare som är mycket motiverade och vill ta nästa logiska steg med sina företag, som de har ägnat mycket tid och ansträngning åt under många år. Oavsett om de vill ta sin verksamhet till nästa nivå, avsluta eller bara hitta ett sätt att diversifiera sin personliga förmögenhet, har entreprenörer från hela världen förlitat sig på Benchmark Internationals stora team av erfarna proffs och motiverade köparnätverk för att uppnå sitt mål

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Val av transaktioner

Visa framgång
Critical Environments ProfessionalsFörvärvad avScientific Safety Alliance
Critical Environments Professionals
Scientific Safety Alliance
LimbTex Limited Acquired by Steeper (Part of Eqwal Group)Förvärvad avLimbTex Limited Acquired by Steeper (Part of Eqwal Group)
LimbTex Limited
NewGroup (Pty) Ltd - HerbexFörvärvad avUndisclosed Buyer
NewGroup (Pty) Ltd - Herbex
Undisclosed Buyer
Medical Temps, IncFörvärvad avHealth Network Advocates
Medical Temps, Inc
Health Network Advocates
Mideast Delivery SolutionsFörvärvad avSPS Health
Mideast Delivery Solutions
SPS Health
Medius acquired by regenoldFörvärvad avregenold acquires Medius
Medius AG
regenold GmbH
Företagsprodukter och tjänster
QuadMed, Inc.Förvärvad avBound Tree Medical, LLC
QuadMed, Inc.
Bound Tree Medical, LLC
Medizina acquired by SteinFörvärvad avStein acquired Medizina
Medizina GmbH & Co. KG
Stein HGS Holding GmbH (a portfolio company of IK Partners)
Konsument, livsmedel och detaljhandel
Demetrius Of Forty Churches, LLC, DBA Ahlers MealsFörvärvad avA Private Investor
Demetrius Of Forty Churches, LLC, DBA Ahlers Meals
A Private Investor
Konsument, livsmedel och detaljhandel
Celtic Care (Swansea) acquired by PotensFörvärvad avCeltic Care (Swansea) acquired by Potens
Celtic Care (Swansea) Limited
Potensial Ltd
Career Pro Occupational Express, IncFörvärvad avOwnershift, Inc
Career Pro Occupational Express, Inc
Ownershift, Inc
Labplan acquired by ADDviseFörvärvad avADDvise acquires Labplan
Labplan Limited
ADDvise AB Group
SSS acquired by Calibre ScientificFörvärvad avCalibre Scientific acquires SSS
Scientific Support Services Limited
Calibre Scientific, Inc
MD Connect, Inc.Förvärvad avSubjectWell
MD Connect, Inc.
Företagsprodukter och tjänster
B.L. Family Practice, P.A.Förvärvad avMed First
B.L. Family Practice, P.A.
Med First
CPS Research acquired by FuturemedsFörvärvad avFutureMeds acquires CPS Research
Community Pharmacology Services Limited
Futuremeds Sp. z o.o.
Corporate Health Ireland acquired by PAMFörvärvad avPAM Group acquires Corporate Health Ireland
Corporate Health Ireland
PAM Occupational Health Services Group
First Response (First Aid) acquired by Impact FuturesFörvärvad avImpact Futures acquires First Response
First Response (First Aid) Ltd
Impact Futures
Företagsprodukter och tjänster
Clearview Endoscopy acquired by ForesightFörvärvad avForesight acquired Clearview Endoscopy
Clearview Endoscopy Limited
Foresight Group
Ultra Clean Systems, Inc.Förvärvad avGetinge AB
Ultra Clean Systems, Inc.
Getinge AB
Dra markören

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Devika och jag vill tacka alla på Benchmark som deltagit i försäljningen av vårt företag. Jag kan inte skylla på hur teamet har hanterat hela processen. Från det första mötet med regiondirektören till förhandlings- och slutförandeprocessen kände jag att vi var i goda händer. Jag rekommenderar gärna Benchmark. Jag tyckte att alla var hårt arbetande, kunniga och mycket professionella.

Chris Rawlinson
Medical Projects International
* translated

Benchmark International skapade ett stort intresse på marknaden för oss, och jag tror att vi måste ha intervjuat över 20 potentiella partners för verksamheten, inklusive riskkapitalister såväl som affärspartners. Med hjälp av det intresse som visades från flera potentiella köpare fick Benchmark International ett mycket bra försäljningspris som översteg den nivå som de hade räknat med att vi skulle kunna uppnå för verksamheten.

Ronnie McFarlane
* translated

Jag är oerhört nöjd med det partnerskap som vi har utvecklat med Priority under ledning av Benchmark International. Jag tror att de kombinerade ledningsgrupperna för Central EMS och Priority Ambulance kommer att kunna leverera kraftfulla resultat inom branschen. Jag skulle vilja tacka alla medlemmar i Benchmark Internationals transaktionsteam som arbetat flitigt för att producera detta resultat och känner starkt att vi inte hade kunnat uppnå detta utan dem vid min sida varje steg på vägen.

Gary Coker
Central Emergency Medical Services
* translated

Benchmark International spelade en avgörande roll för att underlätta ett framgångsrikt förvärv. Jag var extremt nöjd med den övergripande upplevelsen från Benchmarks transaktionsteam. Under hela processen lyssnade de på våra mål och mål och slutade med att identifiera den perfekta köparen för vår verksamhet efter att ha lagt fram en handfull erbjudanden. Ett stort tack till Benchmark för det hårda arbete och extraordinära insats som gjorde denna transaktion till verklighet.

Sue Ella
Carolina Physical Therapy Associates
* translated

Vi är glada över att vi valde Benchmark International, Deal-teamet tog tid att förstå vårt företags historia vilket gjorde det möjligt för teamet att presentera en detaljerad bild av möjligheten för intresserade parter. Benchmark International hjälpte oss att hitta rätt företag för att ta oss till nästa framgångsnivå och våra anställda kan se fram emot en positiv framtid.

Christine Wrenn
A H Mertons
* translated

Benchmark-teamet var ovärderligt under hela affären. De rekommenderade att vi skulle använda samma advokater som de tidigare arbetat med för Rx30. Med Benchmark och advokaternas kombinerade kunskap om tidigare affärer och branschstandarder visste vi att de skulle vara de enda representanterna som skulle kunna gå med på en hel del å våra vägnar samtidigt som vi hade våra prioriteringar i åtanke. Kombinationen sammanför två företag med liknande kulturer och filosofier för att ge bättre resurser till våra kunder.

Roger Warkentine
Computer RX
* translated

Vi vill tacka teamet på Benchmark International för deras expertis, hårda arbete och engagemang för att hjälpa oss att hitta den perfekta partnern för vår verksamhet med AMC och HealthEdge. Benchmark marknadsförde effektivt tillväxten i vår verksamhet för att förhandla och skaffa högsta möjliga värde, samtidigt som vi vägledde och stöttade oss genom hela processen. Vi är mycket stolta över vårt företags historia och engagemang för vår bransch och kunder, men vi insåg att det var dags att gå vidare till nya satsningar i våra liv. Benchmark tillförde samma nivå av passion, innovation och energi för att underlätta vår exit som vi tog med oss ​​varje dag som ägare.

The Rochester Electro-Medical, Inc shareholders
* translated

Jag skulle vilja tacka Benchmark International för deras drivkraft och fokus på att slutföra denna transaktion. Denna transaktion stötte ibland på svårigheter. Benchmark-teamet var alltid fokuserat och vacklade inte i nöden.

Dr. Stanley Dennison
Advanced Renal Care
* translated

Vi är mycket nöjda med affären som Benchmark International har säkrat för oss. Vi uppskattade mycket deras professionella inställning och stöd på alla nivåer och deras förmåga att få flera strategiska köpare till bordet var nyckeln till att förhandla fram affären. Den effektiva projektledningen av processen säkerställde ett utmärkt resultat för både ROC North West och dess direktörers framtid.

Hilary Waterhouse
ROC Northwest Ltd
* translated

Utan din hjälp hade den här affären inte kunnat bli av, så tack vare det kompetenta teamet på Benchmark International.

Paul Avraam
Revel International
* translated


Nyheter & artiklar

Healthcare Services Private Equity Industry Update

In April, we published our 2024 Global Healthcare & Medical Industry Report, which covered the surging value of the healthcare market and the positive expectations regarding M&A activity and deal value for this year. As we move further into the year, we are seeing more positive private equity trends and investment strategies for the healthcare services industry, as dealmaking is now beginning to pick up momentum following a bit of a decline in Q2 of 2024. Investment pipelines are starting to build up at the same time that seller expectations are being tempered.

2024 Global Healthcare & Medical Industry Report

According to Verified Market Research, the global healthcare market will reach $665.37 billion by 2028. The healthcare sector is primarily segmented into pharmaceuticals, services, devices, and others. By application, the industry is categorized by cardiovascular, oncology, anti-infection, central nervous system, respiratory, and others.

2024 M&A Outlook

Explore the latest insights and trends shaping the 2024 M&A landscape in our newest article. Discover key strategies and predictions that could redefine business acquisitions this year. Stay informed and ahead of the curve with Benchmark International's comprehensive outlook.

M&A In The Behavioral Healthcare Services Market

Behavioral healthcare services M&A has been on the rise in recent years due to the high demand for mental and behavioral health services in the US. The behavioral healthcare market saw a 45% increase in 2022 versus the prior year and remains a fast market in early 2023.Outpatient behavioral healthcare services have become increasingly popular due to their accessibility and cost-effectiveness. As more patients seek treatment for mental and behavioral health issues, the demand for outpatient services grows. Investors are particularly interested in outpatient services that offer comprehensive care, including individual and group therapy, medication management, and community-based support services.In addition to private equity firms, strategic buyers such as healthcare systems and payers also show interest in the behavioral healthcare services market. These players want to diversify their revenue streams and expand their offerings to meet the growing mental and behavioral health services demand.Recent federal funding and investments to expand coverage and access to critical services have also increased M&A activity in the behavioral healthcare services sector. In March 2022, the US House of Representatives passed a $1.5 trillion spending package that included financial support programs to expand mental healthcare. The package granted $2.14 billion in funding to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) to bolster research on the impact of the pandemic on mental health, an increase of $37 million from 2021.

Healthcare Industry Report

The multi-billion dollar healthcare industry is complex and comprises several moving parts that are changing how medical services are delivered and how companies are being opened up to new opportunities, largely due to new technological advancements such as telemedicine and digital health. The sector is also being impacted by other factors, such as aging populations, changing reimbursement models, government healthcare programs, workforce shortages, and healthcare consolidation.

Why Home Healthcare and Hospice is Getting Investor Attention

Investors are currently seeking opportunities that will allow them to invest their funds in safe-havens.

Medtech M&A On Track For Strong Second Half Of 2021

In the first half of 2021, medtech M&A deals already surpassed the total number of deals from last year, and this bustle in activity is forecast to continue through the second half of the year, as medtech companies have stockpiled billions of dollars in cash. The dollar value of deals in 2021 is also expected to far outpace that of 2020. Eleven megadeals were announced in H1, with a total deal value of around $128 billion.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare M&A

The Covid pandemic has placed us squarely in unprecedented times. We know this is not exactly news at this point. However, counter to the tenor of most pieces you've probably read on the topic during the past 12 months, this one aims to shine some light on one industry that has thrived: The US healthcare market, more specifically, healthcare M&A. Healthcare M&A has generally been a big winner in 2020 and into 2021 and it's happening at both ends of the market. Loss of life has been a sad reality of Covid, and the US did not prove to be an exception to the global impact of the disease. To combat this deadly virus and the financial disaster that reverberated from it, federal and state action has played a massive role in both the creation and distribution of vaccines, as well as seeking to gird sectors of the economy most impacted by the pandemic response, or most crucial to battling the disease. And considering the sluggish years that followed the Great Recession, the federal government has erred on the side of a more robust approach versus a more measured response from a fiscal perspective. Stimulus bills proceeded to roll out, injecting money into the economy on an unequal basis, with healthcare emerging as a clear winner.In late March of 2020, the CARES Act was signed into effect. The emergency relief bill totaled roughly $2 trillion, of which $153.5 billion was directed toward public health. This included hospitals and other health centers, drug access, telehealth, and medical supplies. These businesses essentially received free money to ramp up production and capabilities to meet the demand created by the virus. This pumped their top and bottom lines, as well as their stock prices, to all-time highs. A flood of buyers looking to get in on the trade continued to follow, with companies, both private and public, selling at levels not previously anticipated.The influx of investments led to an increase in the overall number of deals getting completed and the levels of total consideration in these deals. Healthcare technology, for example, has been a key fast stream during 2020 and early 2021, as "contactless" options for seemingly all human interactions surged (or we even mandated by government entities and actors). One might think of health tech as one "bookend" of the market – it has indeed received a lot of press, and a fair amount of investment capital has followed. Yet, at the other end of the market, savvy buyers and medical entrepreneurs have been getting together to do some equally interesting deals. Seemingly less attractive but well-placed and well-managed traditional medical practices, which act as the backbone for a strong healthcare M&A environment, are participating on the upside. Physician groups and healthcare facility consolidation were already a significant trend before the pandemic. This trend provided economies of scale that drastically increased margins and market share. Given the macro tailwinds of 2020, these roll-ups continue apace and continue to offer great buyer and seller opportunities. With a long track record of demonstrated upside – combined with a surging healthcare market – it is expected that this trend will continue, if not increase, throughout 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic was a major "Black Swan" event in the US market and the global world economy. It has not only quickly changed the way people around the world live their lives today but also has spurred healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors to re-think modus operandi, possibilities, and options across the healthcare market – and to invest accordingly. Whether you are positioned as a well-managed single or multi-office family medical practice, or if you have countless existing (or emerging) tech and/or healthcare products fast-streams, the world is presenting a host of options to consider for buyers and sellers of all stripes.

2020 Healthcare Sector Update

As we reach the middle of Q3, a look back at the past several months in the healthcare sector indicates certain key trends for the industry and how it is expected to undergo transformation into the future.

M&A In The Global Health and Life Insurance Industry

Common drivers of mergers and acquisitions in the global health and life insurance industry include the entry into new markets, access to new technologies, valuation trends, and reaction to regulatory changes. With growth strategies leading the charge, market expansion is often made possible through the acquisition of target companies that optimize product portfolios and customer bases, especially those that provide relatively easy yet quite valuable add-on opportunities, as organic growth does not come easily in the insurance space.

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