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Benchmark International ovddasta fitnodatdoalliid geat leat hui movtta ja háliidit váldit boahtte logihkalaš lávkki iežaset fitnodagain, masa sii leat geavahan mearkkašahtti ollu áiggi ja návccaid máŋggaid jagiid. Vaikko sii háliidit loktet iežaset fitnodaga boahtte dássái, heaittihit dahje dušše gávdnat vuogi movt máŋggabealatvuođa iežaset persovnnalaš riggodagaide, de leat ealáhusdoallit miehtá máilmmi luohttán Benchmark International stuorra jovkui mas leat hárjánan ámmátolbmot ja movttegis oastitfierpmádagat olahit iežaset mihttomeari

Váldde vuosttaš lávkki


Transakšuvnnaid válljen

Geahča lihkostuvvama
Pinnacle Fire Systems, Inc.OstojuvvonThe Hiller Companies
Pinnacle Fire Systems, Inc.
The Hiller Companies, LLC
Trust Nurse acquired by PE GlobalOstojuvvonPE Global acquired Trust Nurse
Trust Nurse Services Ltd
FinREs Limited (parent company of PE Global)
Medius acquired by regenoldOstojuvvonregenold acquires Medius
Medius AG
regenold GmbH
Medizina acquired by SteinOstojuvvonStein acquired Medizina
Medizina GmbH & Co. KG
Stein HGS Holding GmbH (a portfolio company of IK Partners)
Geavaheaddji, biebmu ja gávppašeapmi
Celtic Care (Swansea) acquired by PotensOstojuvvonCeltic Care (Swansea) acquired by Potens
Celtic Care (Swansea) Limited
Potensial Ltd
Labplan acquired by ADDviseOstojuvvonADDvise acquires Labplan
Labplan Limited
ADDvise AB Group
B.L. Family Practice, P.A.OstojuvvonMed First
B.L. Family Practice, P.A.
Med First
CPS Research acquired by FuturemedsOstojuvvonFutureMeds acquires CPS Research
Community Pharmacology Services Limited
Futuremeds Sp. z o.o.
Corporate Health Ireland acquired by PAMOstojuvvonPAM Group acquires Corporate Health Ireland
Corporate Health Ireland
PAM Occupational Health Services Group
Brentwood CommunicationsOstojuvvonIn Reach Health
Brentwood Communications
In Reach Health
Brentwood CommunicationsOstojuvvoninReach Health
Brentwood Communications
inReach Health
Clearview Endoscopy acquired by ForesightOstojuvvonForesight acquired Clearview Endoscopy
Clearview Endoscopy Limited
Foresight Group
Asolva, Inc.OstojuvvonHarris Computer Systems
Asolva, Inc.
Harris Computer Systems
Teknologiija, media, telekom ja dieđut
The J.J. Elemer CorporationOstojuvvonAction Health
The J.J. Elemer Corporation
Action Health
Geavaheaddji, biebmu ja gávppašeapmi
Back in Action UK acquired by Sano PhysiotherapyOstojuvvonSano Physiotherapy acquired Back in Action UK
Back in Action Physiotherapy Limited
Sano Physiotherapy Ltd (owned by Solingen Private Equity)
Gem Drugs, Inc.OstojuvvonVital Care Infusion Services
Gem Drugs, Inc.
Vital Care Infusion Services
Paramount Urgent Care, Inc.OstojuvvonHCA Healthcare
Paramount Urgent Care, Inc.
HCA Healthcare
Season Home Health, LLCOstojuvvonJetre A. Schuler
Season Home Health, LLC
Jetre A. Schuler
Metaphase Design Group, Inc. Company LogoOstojuvvonAptar Pharma Company Logo
Metaphase Design Group, Inc.
Aptar Pharma
Bowen Eye Associates Company LogoOstojuvvonMyEyeDr. Company Logo
Bowen Eye Associates
Geahča kursora

Leage mielde ja dieđit iežat e-poastta dieđuid birra mat gusket guoskevaš ođđasiidda

Go searvá Marvesting:ii, de lea Stellar:ii miellagiddevaš ođđa kapihtal. Go mii ovttas fokuseret innovašuvdnii ja buvttadit erenoamáš kundarvásáhusaid, de mii oaidnit hirbmat stuorra vejolašvuođaid viiddidit min vejolašvuođaid ja olahit ođđa márkaniid. Dát ovttasbargu dahká ahte mii sáhttit fállat ain eanet árvvu Sage:i ja jođánahttit min ovdáneami miehtá Eurohpá. Mii háliidit giitit Benchmark International go leat gávdnan buori ovttasbargoguoimmi Stellar:ii ja mii illudit ovttas čáppa boahtteáigái. *
Emma Ede
Stellar Global
* translated
Dát lea buorre ođas Skillko kundariidda, geain dál lea beassanlohpi ja doarjja globála jođiheaddjis bargosajiid sihkarvuođa- ja čuovvoleami čovdosiin. HSI viiddis EHSQ-prográmmat ja hárjehallanvejolašvuođat fállet ovtta gáldu ovttasbargoguoimmi mii veahkeha organisašuvnnaid miehtá máilmmi čađahit nana sihkarvuođa- ja čuovvoleami prográmmaid, buoridit doaimmaid ja hárjehallat iežaset bargoveaga. Mii leat ilus go beassat viiddiduvvon portfolioi, ja Dermot O'Connor (co-CEO) ja mun leaba erenoamáš čeahpit ovttasbargat globála fitnodatdoalliin gii oaidná árvvu investeret Lulli-Irlánddas vai sáhttá veahkehit viidáset viiddideami EU:s. *
Brendan Maloney
Skillko Limited
* translated
Mii leat čeahpit dan njunuš saji ovddas maid RDS lea ožžon Irlánddas min joavkku teknihkalaš gelbbolašvuođa ja nana kundafokusa geažil, ja mii leat ilus go beassat searvat AIR:ii ja láhčit dili RDS boahtte ovdáneapmái. Mii leat sihkkarat ahte AIR veahkeha min organisašuvnna viidáseappot nannet kundarbálvalusa ja fálaldaga, ja mii leat ilus go beassat bidjat johtui RDS erenoamáš robohtamáhtuid mat sáhttet geavahuvvot olles AIR-organisašuvnnas *
Ken McNevin
Robotics & Drives Services Limited
* translated
Lean hui duhtavaš go válljejin Benchmark International láhčit dili mu fitnodagaid vuovdimii. Álgooktavuođa rájes gitta šiehtadusa loahpaheapmái, joavku lei hui vuđolaš čohkkemin buot dieđuid ja dieđuid mat dárbbašuvvojedje nu ahte fitnodat sáhtii márkanfievrriduvvot fágalaččat ja luohttámušain. Dábálaš ruovttoluottadieđut addojuvvojedje buot beliid birra vuovdimis. Munnje lei guovddáš bealli doalahit luohtehahttivuođa vuovdima birra ja dát ollašuvvá áibbas. *
Michael Halperin
* translated
"Mu vásáhus Benchmark International:in lei erenoamáš positiiva buot dásiin M&A eallináiggis. Sin joavku lea ámmátlaš, máhtolaš ja ovttasbargoguoibmi – ja sii adde munnje árvvolaš rávvagiid juohke lávkkis proseassas, CIM ovddideamis gitta loahppatransakšuvdnii. Mun ávžžuhan daid garrasit juohke fitnodatdoalli gii árvvoštallá oassin dahje olles heaittiheami." - Boost Strategy Partners, LLC vuođđudeaddji ja váldodoaimmaheaddji Rob Hustick *
* translated
Midjiide buohkaide dáppe iodas lea hui dehálaš ahte organisašuvnnat ovddidit iežaset jođiheddjiid buot gelbbolašvuođain mat dárbbašuvvojit vai sáhttet váikkuhit positiivalaččat olbmuide geaid sii jođihit ja daid birrasiidda main sii jođihit. Dása gullet maiddái digitála ja teknihkalaš gelbbolašvuođat maid Apprentify lea dovddus. Nu ahte go Apprentify Group lea ožžon dan, de dat lea áibbas heivvolaš midjiide ja min klieanttaide, ja dakkár masa olles ioda joavku lea ilus go beassá leat mielde. *
Lisa Reynolds
* translated
Benchmark lei min luhtte juohke vuorus, bargamin áŋgirit beaivválaččat. Stuorra fitnodaga vuovdin ii leat goassege streassakeahtes proseassa, muhto Benchmark lihkostuvai erenoamážit váldit badjelasas stuorra oasi streassas. Mun liikon hui bures ovttasbargat singuin ja áiggun sihkkarit geavahit daid fas boahttevaš transakšuvnnaide. In sáhte ávžžuhit daid menddo olu. *
Jarryd Chatz
Bitco Telecoms (Pty) Ltd
* translated
Janeosa doarjaga bokte mii leat bures sajis álkidahttit min vuovdin- ja prošeaktajođihanossodagaid, buoridit min bálvalusaid sofistikerejuvvon klieanttaide ja oažžut viidáset márkanoasi loktejuvvon latnjavuogádagaid suorggis. Dát ovttasbargu sihkkarastá ahte Bredo Doppelboden joatká ovdánit ja viiddiduvvot boahttevaš jagiid. Háliidan giitit Benchmark joavkku joatkkadoarjaga ja fágalaš rávvagiid ovddas olles proseassa áigge. *
Eberhard Schel
Bredo Doppelboden GmbH
* translated
Mii leat ilus go Benchmark identifiserii Platform Group vejolaš oastit. Platform Group:in mii gávnnaimet nana ovttasbargoguoimmi gii veahkeha min jođáneappot ovddidit OEGE ovdáneami. Mii illudit ávkkástallat identifiserejuvvon synergiijaid kundavuođus, vuovdinkanálain ja proseassain. *
Oezcan Goelyeri
OEGE-Trading GmbH & Co. KG
* translated
Dát ovttasbargu Soriain, Cire Airos (Pty) Ltd bokte, lea fantastihkalaš vejolašvuohta Northridge:ii bidjat ođđa energiija fitnodahkii ja ávkkástallat min oktasaš áŋgiruššama viiddidit ja ovdánit. Soria ealáhusdoaimma vuoiŋŋain ja ovdáneami áŋgiruššamiin lean sihkkar ahte mii olahit ođđa bajimusaid ja viidáseappot ásahit min mearkka globála márkanii. *
Paul McLaughlin
* translated


Ođđasat ja artihkkalat

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Brentwood Communications and inReach Health

Benchmark International has successfully facilitated the transaction between Brentwood Communications and inReach Health. Brentwood Communications is a specialty hospital marketing company focused on non-urban hospitals. They have developed a comprehensive marketing toolkit that includes website development, digital marketing, social media management, ER wait time web display tools, and magazine publishing. Their services are designed to help hospitals grow and enhance their community presence.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Boost Strategy Partners, LLC and ImageTech Systems

Benchmark International has successfully facilitated the transaction between Winchester, VA-based Boost Strategy Partners, LLC ("Boost Strategy") and Tampa, FL-based ImageTech Systems ("ImageTech").

Healthcare Services Private Equity Industry Update

In April, we published our 2024 Global Healthcare & Medical Industry Report, which covered the surging value of the healthcare market and the positive expectations regarding M&A activity and deal value for this year. As we move further into the year, we are seeing more positive private equity trends and investment strategies for the healthcare services industry, as dealmaking is now beginning to pick up momentum following a bit of a decline in Q2 of 2024. Investment pipelines are starting to build up at the same time that seller expectations are being tempered.

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Pinnacle Fire Systems, Inc. and The Hiller Companies, LLC

Benchmark International has successfully facilitated a transaction between Apex, NC-based Pinnacle Fire Systems, Inc. (“Pinnacle”) and The Hiller Companies (“Hiller”) of Mobile, AL. Pinnacle provides fire systems solutions to commercial and industrial customers in the Southeast United States.   

Benchmark International Successfully Facilitated the Transaction Between Mideast Delivery Solutions and SPS Health

Benchmark International is pleased to announce the successful transaction between Mideast Delivery Solutions and SPS Health.

2022 Digital Healthcare Industry Report

Americas: Sam Smoot at +1 (813) 898 2350 / [email protected]

Why Home Healthcare and Hospice is Getting Investor Attention

Investors are currently seeking opportunities that will allow them to invest their funds in safe-havens.

Medtech M&A On Track For Strong Second Half Of 2021

In the first half of 2021, medtech M&A deals already surpassed the total number of deals from last year, and this bustle in activity is forecast to continue through the second half of the year, as medtech companies have stockpiled billions of dollars in cash. The dollar value of deals in 2021 is also expected to far outpace that of 2020. Eleven megadeals were announced in H1, with a total deal value of around $128 billion.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare M&A

The Covid pandemic has placed us squarely in unprecedented times. We know this is not exactly news at this point. However, counter to the tenor of most pieces you've probably read on the topic during the past 12 months, this one aims to shine some light on one industry that has thrived: The US healthcare market, more specifically, healthcare M&A. Healthcare M&A has generally been a big winner in 2020 and into 2021 and it's happening at both ends of the market. Loss of life has been a sad reality of Covid, and the US did not prove to be an exception to the global impact of the disease. To combat this deadly virus and the financial disaster that reverberated from it, federal and state action has played a massive role in both the creation and distribution of vaccines, as well as seeking to gird sectors of the economy most impacted by the pandemic response, or most crucial to battling the disease. And considering the sluggish years that followed the Great Recession, the federal government has erred on the side of a more robust approach versus a more measured response from a fiscal perspective. Stimulus bills proceeded to roll out, injecting money into the economy on an unequal basis, with healthcare emerging as a clear winner.In late March of 2020, the CARES Act was signed into effect. The emergency relief bill totaled roughly $2 trillion, of which $153.5 billion was directed toward public health. This included hospitals and other health centers, drug access, telehealth, and medical supplies. These businesses essentially received free money to ramp up production and capabilities to meet the demand created by the virus. This pumped their top and bottom lines, as well as their stock prices, to all-time highs. A flood of buyers looking to get in on the trade continued to follow, with companies, both private and public, selling at levels not previously anticipated.The influx of investments led to an increase in the overall number of deals getting completed and the levels of total consideration in these deals. Healthcare technology, for example, has been a key fast stream during 2020 and early 2021, as "contactless" options for seemingly all human interactions surged (or we even mandated by government entities and actors). One might think of health tech as one "bookend" of the market – it has indeed received a lot of press, and a fair amount of investment capital has followed. Yet, at the other end of the market, savvy buyers and medical entrepreneurs have been getting together to do some equally interesting deals. Seemingly less attractive but well-placed and well-managed traditional medical practices, which act as the backbone for a strong healthcare M&A environment, are participating on the upside. Physician groups and healthcare facility consolidation were already a significant trend before the pandemic. This trend provided economies of scale that drastically increased margins and market share. Given the macro tailwinds of 2020, these roll-ups continue apace and continue to offer great buyer and seller opportunities. With a long track record of demonstrated upside – combined with a surging healthcare market – it is expected that this trend will continue, if not increase, throughout 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic was a major "Black Swan" event in the US market and the global world economy. It has not only quickly changed the way people around the world live their lives today but also has spurred healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors to re-think modus operandi, possibilities, and options across the healthcare market – and to invest accordingly. Whether you are positioned as a well-managed single or multi-office family medical practice, or if you have countless existing (or emerging) tech and/or healthcare products fast-streams, the world is presenting a host of options to consider for buyers and sellers of all stripes.

2020 Healthcare Sector Update

As we reach the middle of Q3, a look back at the past several months in the healthcare sector indicates certain key trends for the industry and how it is expected to undergo transformation into the future.

Go searvá Marvesting:ii, de lea Stellar:ii miellagiddevaš ođđa kapihtal. Go mii ovttas fokuseret innovašuvdnii ja buvttadit erenoamáš kundarvásáhusaid, de mii oaidnit hirbmat stuorra vejolašvuođaid viiddidit min vejolašvuođaid ja olahit ođđa márkaniid. Dát ovttasbargu dahká ahte mii sáhttit fállat ain eanet árvvu Sage:i ja jođánahttit min ovdáneami miehtá Eurohpá. Mii háliidit giitit Benchmark International go leat gávdnan buori ovttasbargoguoimmi Stellar:ii ja mii illudit ovttas čáppa boahtteáigái. *
Emma Ede
Stellar Global
* translated
Dát lea buorre ođas Skillko kundariidda, geain dál lea beassanlohpi ja doarjja globála jođiheaddjis bargosajiid sihkarvuođa- ja čuovvoleami čovdosiin. HSI viiddis EHSQ-prográmmat ja hárjehallanvejolašvuođat fállet ovtta gáldu ovttasbargoguoimmi mii veahkeha organisašuvnnaid miehtá máilmmi čađahit nana sihkarvuođa- ja čuovvoleami prográmmaid, buoridit doaimmaid ja hárjehallat iežaset bargoveaga. Mii leat ilus go beassat viiddiduvvon portfolioi, ja Dermot O'Connor (co-CEO) ja mun leaba erenoamáš čeahpit ovttasbargat globála fitnodatdoalliin gii oaidná árvvu investeret Lulli-Irlánddas vai sáhttá veahkehit viidáset viiddideami EU:s. *
Brendan Maloney
Skillko Limited
* translated
Mii leat čeahpit dan njunuš saji ovddas maid RDS lea ožžon Irlánddas min joavkku teknihkalaš gelbbolašvuođa ja nana kundafokusa geažil, ja mii leat ilus go beassat searvat AIR:ii ja láhčit dili RDS boahtte ovdáneapmái. Mii leat sihkkarat ahte AIR veahkeha min organisašuvnna viidáseappot nannet kundarbálvalusa ja fálaldaga, ja mii leat ilus go beassat bidjat johtui RDS erenoamáš robohtamáhtuid mat sáhttet geavahuvvot olles AIR-organisašuvnnas *
Ken McNevin
Robotics & Drives Services Limited
* translated
Lean hui duhtavaš go válljejin Benchmark International láhčit dili mu fitnodagaid vuovdimii. Álgooktavuođa rájes gitta šiehtadusa loahpaheapmái, joavku lei hui vuđolaš čohkkemin buot dieđuid ja dieđuid mat dárbbašuvvojedje nu ahte fitnodat sáhtii márkanfievrriduvvot fágalaččat ja luohttámušain. Dábálaš ruovttoluottadieđut addojuvvojedje buot beliid birra vuovdimis. Munnje lei guovddáš bealli doalahit luohtehahttivuođa vuovdima birra ja dát ollašuvvá áibbas. *
Michael Halperin
* translated
"Mu vásáhus Benchmark International:in lei erenoamáš positiiva buot dásiin M&A eallináiggis. Sin joavku lea ámmátlaš, máhtolaš ja ovttasbargoguoibmi – ja sii adde munnje árvvolaš rávvagiid juohke lávkkis proseassas, CIM ovddideamis gitta loahppatransakšuvdnii. Mun ávžžuhan daid garrasit juohke fitnodatdoalli gii árvvoštallá oassin dahje olles heaittiheami." - Boost Strategy Partners, LLC vuođđudeaddji ja váldodoaimmaheaddji Rob Hustick *
* translated
Midjiide buohkaide dáppe iodas lea hui dehálaš ahte organisašuvnnat ovddidit iežaset jođiheddjiid buot gelbbolašvuođain mat dárbbašuvvojit vai sáhttet váikkuhit positiivalaččat olbmuide geaid sii jođihit ja daid birrasiidda main sii jođihit. Dása gullet maiddái digitála ja teknihkalaš gelbbolašvuođat maid Apprentify lea dovddus. Nu ahte go Apprentify Group lea ožžon dan, de dat lea áibbas heivvolaš midjiide ja min klieanttaide, ja dakkár masa olles ioda joavku lea ilus go beassá leat mielde. *
Lisa Reynolds
* translated
Benchmark lei min luhtte juohke vuorus, bargamin áŋgirit beaivválaččat. Stuorra fitnodaga vuovdin ii leat goassege streassakeahtes proseassa, muhto Benchmark lihkostuvai erenoamážit váldit badjelasas stuorra oasi streassas. Mun liikon hui bures ovttasbargat singuin ja áiggun sihkkarit geavahit daid fas boahttevaš transakšuvnnaide. In sáhte ávžžuhit daid menddo olu. *
Jarryd Chatz
Bitco Telecoms (Pty) Ltd
* translated
Janeosa doarjaga bokte mii leat bures sajis álkidahttit min vuovdin- ja prošeaktajođihanossodagaid, buoridit min bálvalusaid sofistikerejuvvon klieanttaide ja oažžut viidáset márkanoasi loktejuvvon latnjavuogádagaid suorggis. Dát ovttasbargu sihkkarastá ahte Bredo Doppelboden joatká ovdánit ja viiddiduvvot boahttevaš jagiid. Háliidan giitit Benchmark joavkku joatkkadoarjaga ja fágalaš rávvagiid ovddas olles proseassa áigge. *
Eberhard Schel
Bredo Doppelboden GmbH
* translated
Mii leat ilus go Benchmark identifiserii Platform Group vejolaš oastit. Platform Group:in mii gávnnaimet nana ovttasbargoguoimmi gii veahkeha min jođáneappot ovddidit OEGE ovdáneami. Mii illudit ávkkástallat identifiserejuvvon synergiijaid kundavuođus, vuovdinkanálain ja proseassain. *
Oezcan Goelyeri
OEGE-Trading GmbH & Co. KG
* translated
Dát ovttasbargu Soriain, Cire Airos (Pty) Ltd bokte, lea fantastihkalaš vejolašvuohta Northridge:ii bidjat ođđa energiija fitnodahkii ja ávkkástallat min oktasaš áŋgiruššama viiddidit ja ovdánit. Soria ealáhusdoaimma vuoiŋŋain ja ovdáneami áŋgiruššamiin lean sihkkar ahte mii olahit ođđa bajimusaid ja viidáseappot ásahit min mearkka globála márkanii. *
Paul McLaughlin
* translated