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Benchmark International ovddasta fitnodatdoalliid geat leat hui movtta ja háliidit váldit boahtte logihkalaš lávkki iežaset fitnodagain, masa sii leat geavahan mearkkašahtti ollu áiggi ja návccaid máŋggaid jagiid. Vaikko sii háliidit loktet iežaset fitnodaga boahtte dássái, heaittihit dahje dušše gávdnat vuogi movt máŋggabealatvuođa iežaset persovnnalaš riggodagaide, de leat ealáhusdoallit miehtá máilmmi luohttán Benchmark International stuorra jovkui mas leat hárjánan ámmátolbmot ja movttegis oastitfierpmádagat olahit iežaset mihttomeari

Váldde vuosttaš lávkki


Transakšuvnnaid válljen

Geahča lihkostuvvama
QT Industries LLCOstojuvvonKB Components
QT Industries LLC
KB Components
PPO Profits, LLCOstojuvvonBenco Dental
PPO Profits, LLC
Benco Dental
Enth Degree Consulting (Pty) LtdOstojuvvonQ-Link
Enth Degree Consulting (Pty) Ltd
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
Kiki Products ta NorthridgeOstojuvvonPrivate Investor
Kiki Products ta Northridge
Private Investor
Geavaheaddji, biebmu ja gávppašeapmi
HVH Mechanical SolutionsOstojuvvonService Logic
HVH Mechanical Solutions
Service Logic
Integrity 1st, Inc.OstojuvvonOneDigital
Integrity 1st, Inc.
Remata Communications and Printers Production House (Pty) LtdOstojuvvonFormeset Print (Pty) Ltd
Remata Communications and Printers Production House (Pty) Ltd
Formeset Print (Pty) Ltd
Rupp Enterprises LLCOstojuvvonKasch Partnership LLC
Rupp Enterprises LLC
Kasch Partnership LLC
Geavaheaddji, biebmu ja gávppašeapmi
Paramount Urgent Care, Inc.OstojuvvonHCA Healthcare
Paramount Urgent Care, Inc.
HCA Healthcare
Mellasat Wine & Fruit (Pty) LtdOstojuvvonPrivate Investor
Mellasat Wine & Fruit (Pty) Ltd
Private Investor
Parity Software (Pty) LtdOstojuvvonErnest & Associates Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd
Parity Software (Pty) Ltd
Ernest & Associates Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd
Fast Way Couriers SAOstojuvvonCity Logistics (Pty) Ltd
Fast Way Couriers SA
City Logistics (Pty) Ltd
Stria, LLCOstojuvvonBitwise Industries
Stria, LLC
Bitwise Industries
Fitnodatbuktagat ja bálvalusat
MYTA Technologies Company LogoOstojuvvonSEQ Technology LLC
MYTA Technologies
SEQ Technology LLC
Access Truck Parts, IncOstojuvvonSummit Hydraulics, backed by North Branch Capital
Access Truck Parts, Inc
Summit Hydraulics, backed by North Branch Capital
Bowen Eye Associates Company LogoOstojuvvonMyEyeDr. Company Logo
Bowen Eye Associates
Poly-Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Company LogoOstojuvvonADDvise Company Logo
Poly-Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
ADDvise Company Logo
McAlister Design and Automation Inc.
OstojuvvonWauseon Machine and Manufacturing Company Logo
McAlister Design and Automation Inc.
Wauseon Machine and Manufacturing
Healing Educational Alternatives for Deserving Students, acquired by Health Connect America, Inc.OstojuvvonHealth Connect America acquired Healing Educational Alternatives for Deserving Students, LLC
Healing Educational Alternatives for Deserving Students, LLC
Health Connect America, Inc.
Southern Life Systems IncOstojuvvonADDvise
Southern Life Systems Inc
Geahča kursora

Leage mielde ja dieđit iežat e-poastta dieđuid birra mat gusket guoskevaš ođđasiidda

Maŋŋel máŋga lihkostuvvan jagi IfaD:s, de lean ilus go beasan bidjat fitnodaga buriid gieđaide. Go IfaD lea oassin Tito & Friends joavkkus, de lean sihkkar ahte IfaD joatká iežas geainnu bargiid ja kundariid duhtavašvuhtii. *
Martin Cyrus
* translated
Mun lean ilus go beasan searvat Phenna Group fitnodatportfolioi. Fitnodagas leat erenoamáš buorit duođaštusat TICC-suorggis ja čájehii lagaš ovttasbarggu min árvvuide ja ealáhusdoaimma vuoiŋŋaide. Válljet rivttes ovttasbargoguoimmi geas leat seamma áigumušat ovdánit, gii addá midjiide doarjaga ja doarjaga olahit dáid mihtuid lei dehálaš ja mun jáhkán garrasit ahte Phenna Group ollašuhttá juste dan. Mun lean hui movtta boahtteáiggis. *
Steve Cressey
Group Management Electrical Surveys Limited
* translated
Lean hui ilus go beasan searvat Phenna-jovkui ja illudan ovttasbargat Pauliin ja su joavkkuin ovddidit fitnodaga boahtteáiggi ovdáneami. Dan rájes go mearrideimmet ohcat ovttasbargoguoimmi, de lei čielggas vuosttaš deaivvadeamis Phenna Groupain ahte soai leigga seamma oaidnu min fitnodahkii. Sii leat leamaš ámmátlaččat ja álkit gieđahallat olles proseassa áigge ja mun illudan ovddidit min gaskavuođa ja viiddidit fitnodaga boahttevaš jagiid. *
Brian Impleton
Facit Testing Limited
* translated
Lean hui duhtavaš go beasan ovttasbargat Phenna Groupain. Go áiggun vuolgit eret jođiheaddjiovddasvástádusain, de lei munnje dehálaš sihkkarastit hárjánan ja ulbmillaš ovttasbargoguoimmi ovttasbargat Jon Austiniin, gii galgá jođihit joavkku stivrajođiheaddjin. Vuosttaš geardde go deaivvadin Pauliin ja su joavkkuin, de soai leaba leamaš ámmátlaččat ja luohtehahttit. Dat lea addán munnje stuora luohttámuša dasa ahte fitnodat lea čeahpes gieđain ja illudan min viiddideami boahtte fásii, ovttasbargat lagas ovttasbarggus Phenna Group joavkkuin. *
Mike Fitchett
Safety Services (UK) Limited
* translated
Mun lean ilus go beasan searvat Phenna Group:ii ja illudan ovttasbargat Pauliin ja muđui Phenna joavkkuin doarjut min hui ulbmillaš ovdánanplánaid. *
Jon Austin
Safety Services (UK) Limited
* translated
Lean ilus go beasan searvat Phenna Group:ii, lean leamaš várrugas válljet ovttasbargoguoimmi geas ledje seamma árvvut, geas ledje seamma áigumušat ja gii livččii alla integritehta, luohtehahtti ovttasbargoguoibmi. Vuosttaš deaivvadeami rájes Pauliin ja su joavkkuin leat leamaš álkit gieđahallat singuin ja sii leat ollašuhttán dan maid ledje dadjan, mii lea addán munnje stuorra luohttámuša dasa ahte fitnodat, man Phenna Group doarju, lihkostuvvá boahtteáiggis. *
Tim Goodwin
Ecology Solutions Limited
* translated
Mii leat ilus ja ilus go beassat ovttasbargat Phenna Groupain. Dan rájes go vuosttaš geardde deaivvadeigga Pauliin ja su joavkkuin, de leaba doaibman hui čielggasvuođain ja ollisvuođain; árvvut mat ledje hui dehálaččat midjiide mearrádusa dahkamis. Angela ja mun leaba sihkkarat ahte Phenna Group fállá juste dan doarjaga maid Andy ja su joavku dárbbašit vai sáhttit ollašuhttit min boahtteáiggi ovdánanplánaid ja doalahit min fálaldagaid kvalitehta. Trident Wateris lea erenoamáš buorre, hárjánan ja hui čeahpes joavku ja Phenna Groupas jáhkán ahte boahtteáigi šaddá sihke gelddolaš ja bálkkašahtti. *
Stuart Nixon
Trident Water Solutions Limited
* translated
Mii leat ilus go beassat searvat Phenna Group:ii ja illudit go beassat ovttasbargat RammSanderson joavkkuin. Lean dovdan sin máŋga jagi ja sis lea seamma kultuvra ja árvvut nu ahte jáhkán ahte dat heive hui bures. Vuosttaš ovttasbarggu rájes Phenna Group joavkkuin mii leat dovdan iežamet sihkkarin ahte leat gávdnan rivttes ovttasbargoguoimmi gii doarju min boahtteáiggi ovdáneami. *
Neil Lee-Gallon
NLG Ecology Limited
* translated
Giitu hui ollu didjiide buohkaide go lehpet veahkkin bidjat dán šiehtadusa oktii. Dus lea leamaš stuorra positiiva váikkuhus dasa ahte dat lea ollašuvvan! GeoStructures ruhtadanhoavda Pete Sacripanti lasihii, Giitu Benchmark Internationalii ja jovkui mii barggai dán šiehtadusain. Benchmark International fálai erenoamáš buori bálvalusa min duohtavuođa- ja soabadanbargguide ja sihke vuovdi ja oastit hálddašeapmái lihkostuvvan loahpaheapmái. *
Simon Den Tuinder
ASAP Installations, LLC
* translated
Mun lean ilus go beasan almmuhit min ovttasbarggu Mzuri-joavkkuin. Dát ovttasbargu, man doarju stuorra investeren, veahkeha illumin8 olahit viidát kundariid sihke miehtá joavkku ja riikkaidgaskasaččat. Min strategalaččat sajáiduvvan buvttadanrusttegat sihke UAE:s ja Indias galget leat lávdin viiddidit min oktasaš áŋgiruššama máilmmiviidosaš njuovvanrusttegiid arenai *
Shakil Heangora
Illumin8 Blinds and Curtains Limited
* translated


Ođđasat ja artihkkalat

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Programmatic mergers and acquisitions are a strategic approach to M&A deals that companies use to acquire several smaller companies to achieve specific goals, such as growth and value creation. This strategy differs from traditional M&A transactions, which usually involve singular transactions and higher valuations.

Do I Really Need an Advisor When I Already Have a Buyer That Has Approached Me?

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Navigating The Path Of A Business Sale: Turning Options Into Informed Choices

As a business owner, you've poured your heart and soul into building your company. The day might come when you consider selling your business, but the journey from contemplation to transaction is far from straightforward. One of the most powerful realizations in this process is that while you may be considering multiple avenues for a potential sale until you have offers, these remain options. Until you have a choice to sell, the only real choice you have is to continue running your business just as you did yesterday. However, strategically exploring the market and engaging with various buyer types can transform your myriad options into informed choices.

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Owner’s compensation is a key feature that is addressed in various ways in a CIM. Some variables affect how owner’s compensation is treated in a CIM. Some of these variables include how much salary the owner is receiving, the role of the owner in the business currently, and the owner's role following a transaction. Combining these variables will determine how owner’s compensation is addressed in the CIM. A key point that must be known is that distributions do not affect adjustments to owner’s compensation. Distributions do not affect the income statement of the business, so they are not to be considered when making adjustments for owner’s compensation adjustments.Owner Exiting the Business Post-Transaction

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2022 Fintech Industry Report

The global fintech market was valued at $6.5 trillion in 2021 and is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.9% between 2022 and 2028 to reach $16.65 trillion.

Applying EBITDA Multiples To Your Company Valuation

If you are considering selling your business, you undoubtedly need to understand its value. Unfortunately, arriving at that answer can entail many different methodologies, and it often involves the familiar valuation formula of applying a multiple of Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA). For example, if a company boasts EBITDA of $1 million, and a five times EBITDA multiple is applied, the company’s estimated value is $5 million. But how do we know what multiple applies to your business? And how do we know if the EBITDA number is even accurate? After all, EBITDA will not be the same for every business.

You Haven’t Missed Out On The Ideal Seller’s Market

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What’s The Difference Between Recurring And Repeat Revenue?

If you are considering selling your business, you will need to have a clear understanding of its type of customer revenue because it can significantly impact the value of your business. Sometimes people confuse recurring revenue with repeat revenue, but it is essential to understand how they are not the same thing. Recurring RevenueRecurring revenue stems from a contractually bound legal agreement for a solution delivered over time. It is usually contractual over one or multiple years, and because it may carry penalties or fees if the customer leaves, it can be counted on into the future. This makes it highly valued by prospective acquirers because of its predictability and lower risk. However, recurring revenue does not have to be contractual to be valuable. Depending on the business and the services offered, it can be too costly or too much of a hassle for a customer to leave or switch providers. An excellent example of this is customer relationship marketing companies that collect large amounts of valued data over time, making it more beneficial for clients to stick with their services. Below is a list of the different types of recurring revenue.